Creating Disciplinary Scales

Click on the main "Admin" navigation tab at the top of the screen, and then on the Disciplinary Scales link located under the Policies section of the screen. The "Disciplinary Warning Scales" screen opens.

  1. To create a new scale, click on the [ADD SCALE] icon located in the lower right-hand section of the screen.

  2. Enter a Name for this scale as you would like it to appear in the TimeForce program.

  3. Enter the number of days to be included for collecting the most recent error points.
     A setting of "365" will always calculate a full year of employee errors.

  4. Click on the [ADD THRESHOLD] icon. The "Error Point Threshold" screen opens.

  5. Enter a name for this threshold. The name will usually match the level of action (as in, "Verbal Warning," "Write-Up," "Termination," etc.)

  6. Enter the beginning threshold amount for this action. This is the beginning number of Error Points in the range of points that will cause this course of action to be suggested.

  7. Enter the ending threshold amount for this action. This is the ending number of Error Points in the range of points that will cause this course of action to be suggested.
    Note: If this is the last threshold for this scale, ensure that the threshold ending amount is set to an unreachable value, so that an employee will never exceed the threshold (such as "999999").

  8. Click on the [FINISH/SAVE] icon to add the threshold to the Disciplinary Scale.

  9. Enter as many thresholds as desired. When creating the last threshold for the scale, ensure that the threshold ending amount is an unreachable value. This way an employee will never exceed the threshold.

  10. When you have finished creating thresholds, click on the [FINISH/SAVE] icon to add the Disciplinary Scale.