Error Defaults

This section of the program allows you to set up a default template for Error Monitoring that will be applied to all new employees entered into the system.  These default settings can be changed for a specific employee at any time from the "Employee" section of the screen.

This screen is broken up into four sections: "Schedule Errors," "Punch Errors," "Job Errors," and "Other Errors."
The "Job Errors" section is only used with the Job Tracking module of the TimeForce software.  The "Other Errors" section is only used with a model IQ 1000 time clock.

Error Types

Schedule Errors

  1. Unscheduled Absence: This error occurs when an employee has not clocked in on a day that they were scheduled to work.

  2. Not Scheduled: This error occurs when an employee has clocked in on a day that they were not scheduled to work.

  3. Out Early: This error occurs when an employee has clocked out before the stop time specified on the schedule that they are assigned to.

  4. Out Late: This error occurs when an employee has clocked out after the stop time specified on the schedule that they are assigned to.

  5. In Early: This error occurs when an employee has clocked in before the start time specified on the schedule that they are assigned to.

  6. In Late: This error occurs when an employee has clocked in after the start time specified on the schedule that they are assigned to.

  7. Under Hours: The employee has worked less than the number of "Required Hours" specified in the Schedule Rule that they are assigned to.

  8. Over Hours: The employee has worked more than the number of "Maximum Hours" specified in the Schedule Rule that they are assigned to.

Punch Errors

  1. Missed Punch: For every "IN" punch, there must be a subsequent "OUT" punch.  This error indicates that there is a missing punch on the time card record for that day.

  2. Break Discrepancies: The employee has missed a break punch.  They have either clocked out for a break and not clocked back in, or they have clocked in from a break when they did not clock out.

  3. Too Many Breaks: The employee has exceeded the number of breaks specified in the Schedule Rule that they are assigned to.

  4. Long Break: The employee has taken a break that exceeds the break amount specified in the Schedule Rule that they are assigned to.

  5. Long Lunch: The employee's lunch break exceeds the lunch amount specified in the Schedule Rule or Meal Window policy that they are assigned to.

  6. Short Lunch: The employee's lunch break does not meet the lunch amount specified in the Schedule Rule or Meal Window policy that they are assigned to.

  7. Department Mismatch: The employee has specified a department number when clocking in at the time clock, and has entered a different department number when clocking out.

  8. Duplicate Punch: The employee has more than one punch for the same time of day.  This can occur when employees punch more than once at the time clock in the same minute.

Job Errors

Note: The following errors are used with the Job Tracking module of the TimeForce software.

  1. Job Mismatch: This error occurs when an employee has punched in at the time clock with one job number, and out with a different job number.

  2. Task Mismatch: This error occurs when an employee has punched in at the time clock with one task number, and out with a different task number.

  3. Not Allowed on Job: This error occurs when the employee has punched into a job that they have been restricted from working on.  Job restrictions are defined within the Job Profile.

  4. Not Allowed on Task: This error occurs when the employee has punched into a task that they have been restricted from working on.  Task restrictions are defined within the Task Profile.

  5. Job Completed: This error occurs when an employee has clocked into a job that has a status of "Completed" in the TimeForce system.

Other Errors

  1. IQ 1000 Punch Error: This error occurs when an employee has attempted to punch at the clock at a time when they are not allowed (as defined by the IQ 1000 "Allowed Periods").
    This error is used with the model IQ 1000 time clock only.

  2. No Lunch: This error occurs when an employee is assigned to schedule rule that includes a meal or lunch break, and does not take a lunch.  This error is also generated when an employee is assigned to a Meal Window Policy and no lunch is taken.

Setting Up Defaults

Each error type is listed under the appropriate section.  Each section contains multiple columns of information.

  • Active-- Put a check mark in this box if you would like the system to check for the displayed error.

  • Error Number-- This column shows the number that will be displayed on employees' time cards when this error is generated.

  • Error Name-- This column displays the name of the error.

  • Grace Time-- Where applicable, enter the number of "grace" minutes that employees are given before this error is generated.
    The Grace Time on the "6- In Late" error is set to 00:10.  An employee is scheduled to start work at 7:00 am.  If the employee clocks in at 7:05, no error will be generated.  If the same employee were to clock in at 7:15, an In Late error code would appear on their time card for the day.  This is due to the fact that the employee clocked in outside of the ten minute grace period.

  • Watch Window-- Where applicable, enter the number of minutes for which you would like the system to check for this error.
    The Watch Window includes the specified Grace Time.  For example, the "6- In Late" error has a Grace of 00:10 and a Watch Window of 00:30.  An employee is scheduled to start work at 7:00 am.  Based on the Watch Window setting, the system will check the employee's punches for an "In Late" error between the times of 7:00 and 7:30.  However, no error will be generated between the times of 7:00 and 7:10 due to the fact that the employee is still within the allowed grace.  The late error will be generated between 7:11 and 7:30.

Once you have finished specifying the desired default settings, click on the [SAVE CHANGES] icon to save the template.  These Error Monitoring settings will be applied to all new employees who are entered into the system.

If you would like to apply these settings to all employees currently in the TimeForce database, click on the [SAVE TO ALL EMPLOYEES] icon.

Occasionally, after upgrading from a previous version of TimeForce, the full list of errors is not available to all employees. Click on the [POPULATE DEFAULT ERRORS] icon to populate the missing errors.