How Do I Insert User Defined Fields?
Click on the main "Admin" navigation tab, and then on the User Defined Fields link located
under the System Tools
section of the screen.
Select what type of field you wish to insert (either Text, Numeric,
or Lookup), and click on the appropriate link.
- Insert a Field Name, such as Hobbies, Location,
- The Length field displays the maximum number
of characters that the field will accept. This option is not configurable.
- If you want the field to automatically populate with
a default value, enter the desired value into the field labeled Default.
If you do not want the field to automatically populate, enter the
word NULL.
- Click on the [ADD TEXT FIELD] icon to add the field.
- Insert a Field Name, such as Number of Children,
Number of Vehicles, etc.
- The Minimum field displays the minimum number
of required characters. This field is not editable.
- The Maximum field displays the maximum number
of allowed characters. This field is not editable.
- If you want the field to automatically populate with
a default value, enter the desired value into the field labeled Default.
If you do not want the field to automatically populate, enter a "0."
- Click on the [ADD NUMERIC FIELD] icon to add the
Lookup Table
- Insert a Field Name such as Degree.
- In the Enter First Value field, enter the
first selection that the lookup table will contain and click on the [ADD
- In the Add Lookup Value field, enter each
selection that you want the lookup table to contain. Click on the [ADD]
icon to add the selection to the list of Values.
- In the Default Values field, select the default
value that you want to be used when no selection is made.
- Click on the [BACK] icon to return to the previous