How Do I Create A Holiday List?

The procedure for creating a holiday list consists of two steps. First, you must create the list and specify the "holiday rules." Once a holiday list has been created, you must assign holiday dates to the list.

Inserting a Holiday List

  1. Log into the TimeForce system as an administrator user.

  2. Click on the main “Admin” navigation tab located at the top of the screen.

  3. Click on the Holiday Lists link located under the Policies section of the screen.

  4. From the main “Holiday Lists” screen, click on the [ADD HOLIDAY LIST] icon.  The “Holiday List Properties” screen opens.

  5. Enter a name for this Holiday List, such as “Full Time Employees” or “2005 Holidays.”

  6. Put a check mark in the box next to each holiday rule that you would like to use, and specify the required settings. Holiday rules are as follows:

    • The “Will Holiday hours be generated?” option is selected by default.  This will award your employee’s with paid holiday hours on the days specified as holidays.  With this option de-selected, holiday hours will not be automatically generated, but employees will still receive an accelerated rate of pay for hours worked on a day designated as a holiday.

    • Put a check mark in the box if you would like holiday hours to count toward Hours Based accruals.
      Hours Based Accrual Polices award your employees with a specified number of accrued hours based on the number of hours worked.  Would you like the system to consider “Holiday” hours as hours worked when calculating accrual totals?

    • Put a check mark in the box if you would like to award employees who work on days designated as a holiday with paid holiday hours in addition to the number of hours worked.

    • By default, the system will award employees with the number of holiday hours specified in their employee profile. With the "Create holiday hours equal to worked hours" option enabled, employees will receive the same number of holiday hours as the number of hours worked on the holiday.
      An employee works for 4 hours and 15 minutes on a day that is designated as a holiday. The employee will receive pay for the hours worked, as well as an additional 4 hours and 15 minutes of holiday pay.

    • Put a check mark in the box if you would like holiday hours to count towards overtime.
      An employee receives overtime after working 40 hours a week. When he clocks out from work on the day before a holiday he is at a total of 38 weekly hours. The next day 8 holiday hours are added to his time card. Should the system award 6 of the 8 holiday hours as overtime?

    • If desired, enter a number of hours into the "Max Holiday hours to be awarded" field.

    • By default, when holiday hours are automatically generated they are created from midnight. For example, if an employee receives 8 holiday hours the hours appear on the time card from "00:00" to "08:00." Selecting the Move Holiday Hours to the End of the Day option makes it so that the system adds automatically generated holiday hours to the end of the day. This way, any hours worked for the day are counted toward regular and overtime hours before automatically generated holiday hours.

    • Put a check mark in the box if you would like to use a Probation Period for this Holiday List. If you would like the probation period to be based on a number of days employed, select the first field and put the number of probation days into the provided field. If you would like the probation to be based on a number of hours worked since hire, select the second field and enter the desired number of hours into the available field. Select whether or not overtime hours should count toward probation hours.
      Company policy states that employees are not allowed to receive paid holiday hours until they have been with the company for 90 days. "90” is entered into this field.

    • Put a check mark in the box if you would like employees to receive an accelerated rate of pay for working on a day that is designated as a holiday. This option allows you to choose between two different ways of awarding employees with an accelerated pay rate. If you would like to award employees with a specified rate (such as “1.5” for time-and-a-half), select the Holiday Rate field, and enter the desired rate. If you would like to award employees with an accelerated rate of pay based on a Premium Pay Policy, select the Premium Pay Code Rate field and select the desired code from the drop-down menu.

    • Put a check mark in the "Count holiday hours toward premium" option if you would like holiday hours to be counted in the "Premium" hours total on the employee's time card.
  1. If you would like automatically generated holiday hours to be assigned to a specific department level, make the desired selection from the drop-down menu.  Click on the icon at the end of the field to select the department from a map.

  2. Click on the [FINISH/SAVE] icon to add the Holiday List.

Adding Holidays to a List

  1. Each holiday list is shown on the main screen under the Existing Holiday Lists header. To add holidays to a list, click on the Assign Holidays link in the column to the right of the holiday list name.
  2. Enter the Date on which you would like the holiday to occur.  Click on the icon to the right of the field to select the date from a calendar.
  3. In the Holiday field, enter a name for this holiday as you would like it to appear in the software.
  4. If your employees are required to work any number of their previous scheduled shifts in order to receive holiday pay, put a check mark in the first Employees must be scheduled box and specify the number of shifts that employees assigned to this policy  must work. If the employee is not scheduled, the value for the holiday will populate from the “Holiday Hours” field located under the Employee tab in Pay Policies.
  5. If your employees are required to work any number of their scheduled shifts after the holiday in order to receive paid holiday hours, put a check mark in the second Employees must be scheduled box and specify the number of required shifts that employees assigned to this holiday list must work. If the employee is not scheduled, the value for the holiday will populate from the “Holiday Hours” field located under the Employee tab in Pay Policies.
  6. Click on the [ADD HOLIDAY] icon to add the date to the holiday list.
  7. Remove dates from the holiday list by clicking on the icon in the column to the right of the holiday name.
  8. By default the list will only display the holidays for the current year and the next year.  Put a check mark in the "Show All Holidays" field if you would like to see all holidays that have been inserted.
  9. Click on the [HOLIDAY LIST MAIN] icon to return to the main holiday list screen.