How Do I Set Up An "After X Hours" Meal Policy?
- Click on the main "Admin" navigation tab,
and then on the Meal Policy
link located under the Policies
section of the screen.
- Under the section labeled Create an (After X Hours)
meal policy, click on the [ADD MEAL POLICY] icon.
- Enter the name you would like to use for this policy.
Example: Full Time, Part Time, Graveyard, etc.
- Enter the number of hours that the employee must
work before receiving a lunch break. For example, if the employee must
work over four hours in order to receive a lunch break, you would enter
- Enter the deduction amount. For example, if the employee
gets half an hour for lunch, you would enter 00:30.
- Put a check mark in the box if you would like the
lunch deduction amount added
to the employee's time card instead of being deducted. Select
a Premium Pay Code for this add amount from the drop-down menu.
- If you would like to award the employee a lunch
disbursement dollar amount (as opposed to adding the lunch deduction amount
to their time card), put a
- Click on the [FINISH/SAVE] icon to add the meal policy.