How Do I Insert An Interval Rounding Policy?
- Click on the main "Admin" navigation tab,
and then on the Rounding link
located under the Policies
section of the screen.
- In the line that reads Create an Interval Rounding
Policy, click on the [ADD ROUNDING POLICY] icon.
- Enter a name for the rounding policy.
- Select the rounding interval from the drop-down menu.
The choices are in intervals from 3 to 30 minutes.
- Select the rounding method from the drop-down menu.
The choices are "Nearest," "Up," or "Down."
- Select which punches you want to be rounded from
the drop-down menu. The choices are "All Punches," "All
IN Punches," "All OUT Punches," "First IN Punch,"
and "Last OUT Punch."
- Click on the [FINISH/SAVE] icon to add the rounding