How Do I Insert A Range Rounding Policy?
- Click on the main "Admin" navigation tab,
and then on the Rounding link
located under the Policies
section of the screen.
- In the line that reads Create a Range Rounding
Policy, click on the [ADD ROUNDING POLICY] icon.
- Enter a name for the rounding policy.
- Enter the start time of the range window in 24-hour
Example: 1:30 P.M. would be entered as "13:30."
- Enter the end time of the range window in 24-hour
Example: 2:30 P.M. would be entered as "14:30."
- Enter the punch rounding time. This is the time that
any punches falling between the range start and stop time will be rounded
- Put a check mark in the box if the date of the "out"
punch will be the following day's date. This
setting is used for employees working an overnight shift.
Example: An employee working a graveyard shift clocks
in for work at 11:15 on Monday night, and then clocks out to go home at
4:07 on Tuesday morning. Putting
a check mark in this box ensures that the 4:07 punch is assigned to the
correct day.
- Click on the [FINISH/SAVE] icon to add the rounding