How Do I Insert A Range Rounding Policy?

  1. Click on the main "Admin" navigation tab, and then on the Rounding link located under the Policies section of the screen.
  2. In the line that reads Create a Range Rounding Policy, click on the [ADD ROUNDING POLICY] icon.
  3. Enter a name for the rounding policy.
  4. Enter the start time of the range window in 24-hour format.
    1:30 P.M. would be entered as "13:30."
  5. Enter the end time of the range window in 24-hour format.
    2:30 P.M. would be entered as "14:30."
  6. Enter the punch rounding time. This is the time that any punches falling between the range start and stop time will be rounded to.
  7. Put a check mark in the box if the date of the "out" punch will be the following day's date.  This setting is used for employees working an overnight shift.
    An employee working a graveyard shift clocks in for work at 11:15 on Monday night, and then clocks out to go home at 4:07 on Tuesday morning.  Putting a check mark in this box ensures that the 4:07 punch is assigned to the correct day.
  8. Click on the [FINISH/SAVE] icon to add the rounding policy.