the row of tabs that runs across the top of the screen, click on "Admin."
on the "User Security" link located under the System
Tools header of the Administration
Links section of the screen.
create a new user, click on the [ADD USER] icon located in the upper-left
section of the screen (directly to the right of the User
Security header). The “User Info” screen opens on the right-hand
side of the screen.
Note: All fields are optional unless specifically noted otherwise.
“Customized Rights” from the Security
Role drop-down menu.
the User Name that this user will
enter when logging into the TimeForce software. The User Name can be comprised
of letters, numbers, or a combination of both. There is no required number
of characters.
Note: This field is required.
you would like the software to recognize this user as an employee that
is set up within the TimeForce database, select the desired name from
the Employee drop-down menu.
the Password that this user will
enter when logging into the TimeForce software. The Password can be comprised
of letters, numbers, or a combination of both. There is no required number
of characters.
Note: This field is required.
the chosen password into the Confirm
Password field.
Note: This field is required.
this is an existing user, the Password
Last Changed field displays the date of the last time that this
user’s password was changed (if applicable).
you would like the system to require this user to change their password
the first time they log into the system, put a check mark in the Require Password Change option.
The Time Offset field is used when you
have employees logging into the TimeForce system from a different time
zone. Based on this setting, the system will automatically adjust all
times entered by this employee to compensate for the difference in hours
between time zones. Leave this field at “0” if this user is not logging
in from a different time zone.
“Simple” or “Advanced” from the Interface
drop-down menu. “Simple” means that the user will only be able to access
the Time Cards section of the software, while the “Advanced” setting allows
the user to access Time Cards, as well as Reports, Employee, Schedule,
and Job Tracking.
user profile must be created within the system before permissions can
be assigned. Click on the [UPDATE] icon located in the upper right-hand
corner of the screen to create the user profile.
on the drop-down icon to the right of the Assigned
Employees header. This section of the screen is where you define
which employees this user is to have access to.
Unassigned Employees section of
the screen displays a list of available employees. The Assigned
Employees screen shows the employees that are assigned to this
user. To assign employees to the user, highlight the desired employee
names in the Unassigned Employees
section of the screen. To select multiple employees, hold down the [CTRL]
or [SHIFT] key on your keyboard while clicking. Click on the [>>]
icon. The selected employees are moved to the Assigned
Employees section of the screen.
unassign employees from this user, select the desired employee names from
the Assigned Employees section
of the screen, and click on the [<<] icon. The selected employees
are moved to the Unassigned Employees
section of the screen.
on the down-arrow icon to the right of the Permissions
header. This section of the screen is used to define the level of access
rights that this user is granted to the TimeForce program and its data.
Add or remove check marks from the user options as desired. See Customized
Rights User Options for a detailed description of the available user
Click on the [UPDATE] icon
in the upper or lower right-hand corners of the screen to add the user.
The user is added to the system.
You should now be able
to log out of the TimeForce system and log back in using the User Name
and Password that you just created for this user.