How Do I Assign Employees To An Accrual Policy?

  1. Select the desired employee from the drop-down lists at the top of the screen.
  2. Click on the [ADD ACCRUAL] icon, located in the lower left-hand side of the screen.
  3. From the Select Accrual Policy drop-down menu, select the policy that you want to assign the employee to.
  4. Enter the date from which you want the accrual policy to start calculating into the Balance as of field.
  5. The Un-Awarded field displays the number of hours accrued since the last time hours were awarded. The rate that the accrued hours award by is specified in the accrual policy.
    An accrual policy is set up to award after 8 hours. The employee has accrued 7.5 hours on this policy. These hours will remain un-awarded until there is a total of 8 accrued hours. At that time, the hours will be added to the Awarded Year-to-Date total.
  6. The Awarded Year-to-Date field displays the number of hours that the employee has accrued towards this policy since the beginning of the year.
  7. The Bank Amount field shows any additional hours that have been rolled-over from previous years.
  8. Manually insert the desired accrued hours totals, and click on the [ADD ACCRUAL] icon.
The accrual policy will start to calculate from the date specified in the Balance as of field. Hours totals are added to any totals that have been manually inserted.

Hours are deducted from the employee's Awarded Year-to-Date total. If the Awarded total reaches 0, hours will begin to deduct from the available Bank Amount.