How Are Accrued Hours Deducted?

Accrued hours are deducted when an absence is added to the employee's time card with the desired accrual code specified.
An employee takes a vacation day that you want to be deducted from their accrued vacation hours. An absence would be entered into the employee's time card with Vacation specified as the Code.

Inserting an Absence

  1. Click on the main Time Card navigation tab.
  2. Select the desired employee from the drop-down lists at the top of the screen.
  3. Click on the Add Absence link located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. The "Enter Absence" window opens.
  4. The Enter Date field is where you insert the date of the employee absence. If you are inserting an absence for one day only, select the top field and enter the date on which the absence occurred.
    If the absence is for a range of days, select the bottom box and enter the beginning and ending dates during which the employee absence occurred.
  5. The Enter Amount allows you to insert a number of absence hours into the employee's time card. The top field is used when you want to specify a number of absence hours. The second field is used when you would like the system to record an "in" and "out" time for this absence (such as the employee's normal shift start and stop times).
    Make the desired selection by clicking on the appropriate radio button, and enter the absence amount information into the field(s).
  6. Select the desired absence code from the Select Code drop-down menu. This is the type of absence that the employee is taking (such as Vacation or Sick).
    The available selections for the Select Code field are defined by the accrual policies that the employee is assigned to. For example, the "Vacation" absence code will only be available if the employee is assigned to the "Vacation" accrual policy.
  7. Click on the [ENTER] icon to add the absence to the employee's time card.