Screen Layout

Each accrual policy that the employee is assigned to is listed under the Accrual Balances header.

If you would like to filter the list of available employees by the department that they are assigned to, select the desired department from the Department drop-down menu. Select "All Employees" if you do not wish to filter the list of available employees.

Select the employee that you wish to view from the Employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen, or select "All Employees."
  • The Accrual Name column displays the name of the assigned policy.
  • The Last Calculated field shows the last date that accrual totals were updated.
  • The Un-Awarded field shows the number of hours that have accrued since the last time accruals were awarded. This is used if you have specified within the accrual policy to only award hours after a specific number of hours accrued.
    An accrual policy named "Vacation" states that hours accrued will only be awarded after 8 hours. The employee has accrued 6.5 hours on this policy so far. The hours will remain in the Un-Awarded column until the accrued total reaches 8 hours, at which point they will be transferred to Awarded hours.
  • The Awarded YTD field displays the number of hours that have been awarded since the beginning of the year. Any hours taken will be deducted from the Awarded hours totals. If the employee does not have available awarded hours, banked hours will be used.
  • Banked hours are hours that have been rolled-over from previous years. Banked hours will only be used if there are no available awarded hours.
  • The Used YTD column displays the number of hours that the employee has used from this accrual policy. The number of used hours can be manually edited by clicking on the link.
  • The Available Balance is the total number of hours that the employee has available for this accrual policy.
To view or manually edit accrual balances, click on the Edit/View link, located to the right of the accrual totals.

To un-assign an employee from an accrual policy, click on the Delete link to the right of the accrual information. All hours totals will be permanently deleted.

Click on the [ADD ACCRUAL] icon to add an employee to an accrual policy.

The Employee Identification section shows the Name, Employee ID and Card # of the selected employee.

Click on the [PROCESS COMPANY ACCRUALS] icon located in the lower right-hand side of the screen to manually update accrual totals.