File Formats For The ADP Export For Time Force

  • Version 4.x (DOS)
  • Version 5.x (DOS)
  • Version 6.x (DOS)
  • Version 7.x (DOS)
  • Version 1.x (Windows)
  • Version 2.x (Windows)

The above ADP Versions all use the EPIP format, which is a Fixed Width ascii file format defined by ADP. All records in the EPIP format are 80 bytes.

Field ID/Identifier
Represents Length
A Header Record 1
001 Company Code 3
002 Batch ID 2
z End Of Record 1
  Filler 66
  Version Number 1
Paydata Record
Field ID/Identifier
Represents Length Code
B Paydata Record 1  
003 File Number 6  
004 Pay Number 1  
005 Job Cost Number 15  
006 Tax Freq. Code 1  
007 Special Action 1  
008 Temp Department 6  
009 Rate Code 1  
010 Shift Code 1  
011 Temp Rate 8  
012 Regular Hours 8  
013 Overtime Hours 8  
014 Regular Earnings 8  
015 Overtime Earnings 8  
016 Hours 3 (1st) 10 A
017 Hours 3 (2nd) 10 B
018 Hours 4 (1st) 10 C
019 Hours 4 (2nd) 10 D
020 Earnings 3 (1st) 10 E
021 Earnings 3 (2nd) 10 F
022 Earnings 4 (1st) 10 G
023 Earnings 4 (2nd) 10 H
024 Earnings 5 (1st) 10 I
025 Earnings 5 (2nd) 10 J
z Spaces 74  
Batch Totals Record
Field ID/Identifier
Represents Length
C Batch Totals Record 1
030 Regular Hours 12
031 Overtime Hours 12
032 Hours 3 12
033 Hours 4 12
034 Regular Earnings 12
035 Overtime Earnings 12
036 Earnings 3 12
037 Earnings 4 12
038 Earnings 5 12
039 Shift Code 5
040 Temp Rate 12
z End of Record 1
  Spaces 78