File Formats For The Peachtree Export For Time Force

The Peachtree Export supports the following Versions:
  • Complete Account Plus Time & Billing 6.0
  • Complete Account Plus Time & Billing 7.0
  • Dos 10.x-- PIE Enhancement
  • Dos 11.x-- PIE Enhancement
  • Peachtree 2000
Comma Delimited File Layout for versions 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0.
Number Field Description
1 Employee/Vendor Always 0
2 Recorded by ID- Employee ID
3 Ticket Number Must be unique
4 Ticket Date Pay Period End
5 Has been used in sales/invoicing Always FALSE
6 Activity Item ID Defined by User
7 Customer/Job/Admin- Always 3
8 Pay Level- Use Pay Code in setup window.
9 Has been used in payroll Always FALSE
10 Manual/Time option- Always 1
11 Duration  
12 Ticket Description for invoicing Always ETC Data
13 Billing Type- Always 1
14 Billing Rate  
15 Billing Status- Always 2
Comma Delimited File Layout for versions Dos 10.x, 11.x- PIE Enhancement.
Number Field Description
1 Department  
2 Employee ID  
3 Number of Hours  
4 Hourly Rate  
5 Type of Hours  




(PIV Enhancement)
Number Field Description
1 Department  
2 Employee ID  
3 Type of Hours  
4 Hours Used  
5 Constant Always 4
Comma Delimited File Layout for Peachtree version 2000
Number Field
1 Employee ID
2 Transaction Date
3 Earnings Code
4 Transaction Quantity
5 Pay Rate Per Unit
6 G/L Account Number
7 Job Classification Code
8 State Tax Code
9 Job/Component Number
10 Time In
11 Time Out
12 Transaction Source