Creating Task Profiles
Note: All task information
is optional unless specifically noted otherwise.
To insert task profiles, click on the "Tasks" link in the
row of sub-tabs located directly below the main program navigation tabs.
The Tasks screen is divided
into two sections. The
left-hand section of the screen allows you to search for existing tasks.
The right-hand
section of the screen displays information about the selected task, and
is where you insert new information when creating a task profile.
To create a new task, click on the [ADD TASK] icon located in the Tasks header. The
Task Information screen opens
to the right.
Enter a Name
and Description for this task.
numbers, or a combination of both can be used, and there is no minimum
number of required characters.
Note: The program requires you to enter a task name.
Enter a Export
Code for this task. This
setting is used when exporting job information from TimeForce to an external
payroll management software (such as QuickBooks or Peachtree).
Enter a Task
Number. This
is the number that employees will use to punch into this task at the time
clock. The task number can contain a maximum of 10 characters.
Note: This field is required.
You must create the
task profile before you will be allowed to specify pay rates. Click
on the [ADD] icon in either the upper or lower right-hand corner of the
Under the Pay
Rates header, select either "Default," "Premium"
or "Rates."
Default means that the employee will
be paid for time worked on this task based on the information specified
under the employee profile.
Premium allows you to select a premium
pay policy for use with this task. The
Premium option will only be available if you have set up "Job/Task
Rates" in the Premium Pay section of the software.
Rates allows you to select a specific
rate of pay that employees working on this task are to receive.
Click on the "Add Rate" link
to specify the rates for this task. The
available rates are as follows:
Rates: Any employee working on this task will receive an extra
percentage on top of their base pay.
Amount: Any employee working on this task will receive the specified
dollar amount regardless of the number of hours worked.
Rate: Any employee working on this task will receive the specified
hourly pay rate.
you would like to program to track "estimated vs. actual" data,
enter your estimated task completion information into the Estimated
Hours section of the screen. This
information includes Labor Hours,
Labor Rate and Labor Quantity. Once
your employees begin clocking in and out of this task, the estimated
amounts specified here will be compared against the actual amounts calculated
from your employees' punches.
Note: The Estimated Hours setup is optional.
Click on the [UPDATE]
icon to save the changes you have made to the task profile.