Job Summary Totals

The lower left-hand sections of the screen display your totals for this job.  

The Used % of Estimated Costs by Category box shows you in which area your costs are the highest (either "Labor," "Equipment," or "Materials").

The Summary Totals box shows you the total completion cost for this job.

  • The Total Actual Cost is calculated from your employees' punches and the settings specified in the job, equipment, and materials profiles.  

  • The Total Estimated Cost displays the estimated total completion cost that was inserted when the job profile was created.  

  • The Cost Difference field displays the difference between the actual completion costs, and your estimations.

  • The Cost Difference % displays the percentage of variance between your actual and estimated totals.

Use the Comments box in the lower left-hand section of the screen to enter any additional comments about this job.  Click on the [SAVE] icon to save your changes.