Using Equipment and Materials

Click on the main "Job Tracking" navigation tab, and then on the Job Summary link located at the top of the screen.

The Equipment and Materials sections of the screen display your equipment and material usage information for the selected job.  Both sections are divided up into columns.


  • The Task column displays the piece of "Equipment" used, and the "Task" that it was used in conjunction with (if applicable).

  • The Actual column displays the number of "Hour(s)" for which this piece of equipment was used, and the total usage "Cost."

  • The Estimated column displays the estimated number of usage "Hour(s)," and the estimated "Cost," as defined in the Equipment/Materials section of the program.

  • The Difference column displays the calculated difference between the estimated and actual "Hour(s)" and "Cost," along with a difference "Percent" calculation.

Logging Equipment Usage

To log usage for a piece of equipment, click on the [>] icon located to the right of the Equipment header.  The "Equipment Detail" screen opens.

To add a new piece of equipment to this job, click on the [ADD EQUIPMENT] icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

  1. If tasks were worked in conjunction with this job, the Task drop-down menu allows you to select which task this piece of equipment was used with.

  2. Select the desired piece of Equipment from the drop-down menu.

  3. In the Estimated Hours field, enter the number of hours that you estimate this piece of equipment will be needed to complete the job or task.

  4. The final field allows you to specify whether you want the actual hours worked on the task to be used as the number of actual hours that the piece of equipment was used.  If you select "NO," a field for manual usage hours input will appear on the equipment detail page.

  5. Click on the [SAVE] icon to save the record.

The "Equipment Detail" page displays various information about the equipment that is assigned to this job.

  • The Equipment Name column displays the name of the assigned pieces of equipment.

  • The Task column displays the task that this piece of equipment was used in conjunction with (if applicable).

  • The Est. Hrs column displays the number of hours that you estimate this piece of equipment will be used for in order to complete the job or task.

  • The Est. Cost column displays the estimated cost based on the settings specified when this piece of equipment was inserted into the Equipment/Material section of the program.

  • The Act. Labor? column tells you whether the hours total for this piece of equipment is tied to the total hours on a specific task, or whether it is manually inserted.  This setting is specified when you add a piece of equipment to a job (see step #4 above).

  • The Act. Hours column displays the actual number of hours for which this piece of equipment has been used with this job.  If you selected "NO" for step #4 above, this field is where the number of hours used for this piece of equipment is manually inserted.

  • The Act. Cost column displays the actual cost as calculated by the number of hours logged for this piece of equipment.

Click on the [SAVE] icon to save any changes you may have made to this piece of equipment.  Click on the [<] icon to the left of the Return to Summary header to return to the previous screen.


  • The Task column displays the "Material" used, and the "Task" that it was used in conjunction with (if applicable).

  • The Actual column displays the per-unit "Cost" for this material, the "Amt" of materials used, and the "Tot Cost"  generated by the usage of this material.

  • The Estimated column displays the estimated per-unit "Cost" for this material, the "Amt" that you estimated would be used on this job, and the estimated "Tot Cost" generated by the usage of this material.

  • The Difference column displays the calculated difference between the estimated and actual "Cost," "Amt" and "Tot Cost," along with a difference "Percent" calculation.

Logging Material Usage

To log usage for a material, click on the [>] icon located to the right of the Materials header.  The "Materials Detail" screen opens.

To add a new material to this job, click on the [ADD MATERIAL] icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

  1. If tasks were worked in conjunction with this job, the Task drop-down menu allows you to select which task this piece of equipment was used with.

  2. Select the desired Material from the drop-down menu.

  3. Enter the Estimated Amount of material used on this job.

  4. Click on the [SAVE] icon to assign the material to the job.

The "Materials Detail" page displays various information about the materials assigned to this job.

  • The Material Name column lists each material that is assigned to this job.

  • If the material was assigned to a task when added to this job, the Task column displays the task assignment.

  • The Cost column displays the estimated per-unit cost for this material.

  • The Est. Amt column displays the amount of materials that was estimated would be used to complete this job.  This setting was specified when the material was assigned to the job.

  • The Est. Cost column displays the estimated cost based on the settings that were specified when the material was created in the Equipment/Materials section of the program.

  • The Act. Amt field is where you specify the actual amount of materials used on this job.
    When inserting amounts, remember to click on the [SAVE] icon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen when finished.

  • The Act. Cost field displays the actual cost of materials based on the amounts entered, and the costs specified when the material was created in the Equipment/Materials section of the program.

  • Click on the [X] icon to unassign a material from this job.

Click on the [<] icon to the left of the Return to Summary header to return to the previous screen.