Processing a Pay Period

The process of completing a pay period consists of four steps:

  • Select a Pay Period for Processing-- Use this screen to select a pay period type (as in "Daily," "Weekly," "Bi-Weekly," etc.) and date range for processing.

  • Employee / Supervisor / Director Verification-- This screen allows you to view which employees and supervisors have logged into the TimeForce system and verified that the hours for this pay period are correct. A verification report can be printed detailing which users have and have not verified time card totals.
    This screen is only displayed on pay periods for which you have selected that verification is required.

  • Check for Exceptions-- This screen allows you to perform a final scan of your employees’ punches, and brings up any errors. A report can be printed detailing the found results.

  • Verify Data-- This screen allows you to view the final totals for the pay period. A totals report can be printed directly from this screen.

  • Lock / Finish-- This is where you "sign off" on a pay period and lock it down, if desired.

Select a Pay Period for Processing

  1. Click on the main "Pay Processing" navigation tab.

  2. Select the period that you would like to process from the Pay Period drop-down menu. This menu contains a list of each pay period that has been inserted into the TimeForce system.

  3. In the Date Range field, use the and icons to select the desired pay period beginning and ending dates.

  4. From the Steps to Process a Pay Period section of the screen, click on the [NEW PROCESS] icon. The "Employee / Supervisor / Director Verification" screen opens.

Employee / Supervisor / Director Verification

  1. If you would like to bring up the verification report in a separate window, put a check mark in the Launch Results in Separate Window box. This setting is located on the right-hand side of the "Time Cards Not Verified" header.

  2. If you would like to check the punches of employees who are assigned to a specific supervisor only, make the desired selection from the Supervisor drop-down menu.

  3. If you would like to view results for employees of a specific pay type only (as in "Hourly," "Salary" or "Commission"), make the desired selection from the Pay Type drop-down menu.

  4. The Sort By fields allow you to define how the report will be organized. Put a check mark in the "Group Results" box if you would like the report to be broken up into separate sections based on your sort options. Without this option selected, all report data is contained in one section.

  5. With the "Show Verified Time Cards" option selected the report displays the date and time at which the verification was made.

  6. Click on the [DISPLAY] icon to launch the report.

  7. The report is displayed in either the bottom section of the Pay Processing screen or in a separate window, depending on your "Launch Results" selection (see step #5). A appears in the Employee, Supervisor and/or Director columns when the time card has been verified.  A is displayed for un-verified time cards. Click on the link in the Employee column to bring up the employee’s Time Card for the specified pay period. Click on the [PRINT] icon to print the report.

  8. When you are ready to move on to the next processing step, click on the [CONTINUE] icon located in the Steps to Process a Pay Period section of the screen. The "Check for Exceptions" screen opens.

Check for Exceptions

  1. If you would like to bring up the exceptions report in a separate window, put a check mark in the Launch Results in Separate Window box. This setting is located on the right-hand side of the "Check for Exceptions" header.

  2. If you would like to scan the punches of employees who are assigned to a specific supervisor only, make the desired selection from the Supervisor drop-down menu.

  3. If you would like to scan the punches of employees of a specific pay type only (as in "Hourly," "Salary" or "Commission"), make the desired selection from the Pay Type drop-down menu.

  4. The Sort By fields allow you to define how the report will be organized. Put a check mark in the "Group Results" box if you would like the report to be broken up into separate sections based on your sort options. Without this option selected, all report data is contained in one section.

  5. Put a check mark in the box next to each error that you would like the system to scan your employees’ punches for.
    Error codes are defined by the Error Monitoring settings specified for each employee.

    The available options are as follows:

Most Common Errors to Check

    • Department Mismatch-- The employee has clocked "In" at the time clock using one department number, and clocked "Out" using another.

    • Duplicate Punch-- This error is generated when the employee’s time card contains multiple entries for the same minute of the day.

    • Missed Punch-- The employee’s punches for the day are missing an entry. This error is generated when each "In" punch is not accompanied by a subsequent "Out."

    • Unscheduled Absence-- This error is generated when an employee’s time card does not contain punches on a day for which they are scheduled.

Other Time & Attendance Errors

    • Break Discrepancies-- This error is generated when an employee misses a "Break" punch. The employee has either clocked "Out" for break and not clocked back in, or vice versa.

    • In Early-- This error is generated when the employee has clocked in before their scheduled start time.

    • In Late-- This error is generated when an employee has clocked in after their scheduled start time.

    • Long Break-- The employee has clocked out for a break that exceeds the allowed break length specified in the schedule that they are assigned to work.

    • Long Lunch-- The employee has clocked out for a lunch that exceeds their allowed lunch length.

    • Not Scheduled-- This error is generated when the employee’s time card contains punches on a day for which they are not scheduled.

    • Out Early-- This error is generated when an employee has clocked out before their scheduled stop time.

    • Out Late-- This error is generated when an employee has clocked out after their scheduled stop time.

    • Over Hours-- The employee has worked over the number of "Maximum Hours" specified in the schedule that they are assigned to work.

    • Short Lunch-- The employee has clocked out for a shorter lunch break than the length specified in the schedule or meal policy that they are assigned to work.

    • Too Many Breaks-- The employee has clocked out for more breaks than the number specified in the schedule that they are assigned to work.

    • Under Hours-- The employee has worked fewer than the number of "Minimum Hours" specified in the schedule that they are assigned to work.

Job Tracking Errors

    • Job Completed-- This error is generated when an employee has punched into a job that has been specified as "Completed" within the Job Tracking module of the software.

    • Job Mismatch-- This error is generated when an employee has punched "In" at the time clock using one job number, and "Out" using another.

    • Not Allowed on Job-- This error is generated when an employee’s time card contains punches assigned to a job that they have been restricted from working on within the Job Profile.

    • Not Allowed on Task-- This error is generated when an employee’s time card contains punches assigned to a task that they have been restricted from working on within the Task Profile.

    • Task Mismatch-- This error is generated when an employee has punched "In" at the time clock using one task number, and "Out" using another.

Click on the [CHECK ALL] icon to select all errors. Click on the [UNCHECK ALL] icon to deselect all errors.

  1. Click on the [DISPLAY EXCEPTIONS] icon to launch the exceptions report.

  2. The exceptions report is displayed in either the bottom section of the Pay Processing screen or in a separate window, depending on your "Launch Results" selection (see step #13). Click on the link in the Exceptions Date column to bring up the employee’s Time Card for the specified date. Click on the [PRINT] icon to print the report.

  3. When you are ready to move on to the next processing step, click on the [CONTINUE] icon located in the Steps to Process a Pay Period section of the screen. The "Verify Data" screen opens.

Verify Data

  1. If you would like to bring up the verify data report in a separate window, put a check mark in the Launch Results in Separate Window box. This setting is located on the right-hand side of the "Verify Data" header.

  2. If you would like to view totals for employees who are assigned to a specific supervisor only, make the desired selection from the Supervisor drop-down menu.

  3. If you would like to view totals for employees of a specific pay type only (as in "Hourly," "Salary" or "Commission"), make the desired selection from the Pay Type drop-down menu.

  4. The Sort By fields allow you to define how the report will be structured. Put a check mark in the "Group Results" box if you would like the report to be broken up into separate sections based on your sort options. Without this option selected, all report data is contained in one section.

  5. Put a check mark in the box next to each type of hours that you would like the view. The available options are:

    • Regular Hours

    • Overtime 1

    • Overtime 2

    • Overtime 3

    • Overtime 4

    • Disbursements

Note: The system does not allow you to deselect the "Regular" or "Overtime 1" hours types.

Select the "Hour Type" option to view a type for each set of hours (as in "Hours Worked" or "Approved

Select the "Display hh:mm" option to view the hours totals in hours and minutes (by default the report is displayed in decimals).

  1. Click on the [VIEW DATA] icon to launch the data verification report.

  2. The report is displayed in either the bottom section of the Pay Processing screen or in a separate window, depending on your "Launch Results" selection (see step #21). Click on the [PRINT] icon to print the report.

  3. When you are ready to move on to the next processing step, click on the [CONTINUE] icon located in the Steps to Process a Pay Period section of the screen. The "Lock / Finish" screen opens.

Lock / Finish

  1. The Pay Period field displays the pay period type (as in "Daily" or "Bi-Weekly."

  2. The Date Range field displays the starting and ending days of the specified pay period.

  3. The Supervisor Verify field displays whether the "Supervisor Verification" option has been enabled for this pay period.

  4. The Director Verify field displays whether the "Director Verification" option has been enabled for this pay period.

  5. The Employee Verify field displays whether the "Employee Verification" option has been enabled for this pay period.

  6. Put a check mark in the box in the Lock field if you would like to "lock down" this pay period. The punches contained within a locked pay period can no longer be edited from the Time Card section of the program.

  7. Click on the [FINISH] icon located in the Steps to Process a Pay Period section of the screen to complete this pay period.

Completed pay periods are displayed on the main Pay Processing screen.