Equipment Summary Report


This report gives you a summary of your equipment usage costs per job and task.

Report Criteria:

The Report Criteria screen opens when you click on the report name from the main "Reports" section of the software.  This screen is where you tell the system what data you would like it to report on.

  • The Job Tracking field allows you to select a different report from the drop-down menu.

  • Put a check mark in the Launch Report in Separate Window box if you would like the report to open in a new web browser window.  With this option de-selected the report is displayed directly below the Report Criteria section of the screen.

  • The Job field allows you to select which jobs will be included in this report.  By default all jobs are included.  Click on the down arrow icon located to the right of the Show Jobs header to select specific jobs.

    1. All of your jobs are listed in the Unused Jobs box.  The Viewed Jobs box lists the jobs that will be reported on.  Select the desired jobs from the Unused Jobs box and click on the [>>] icon to assign them to the report.  The selected job profiles names are moved to the Viewed Jobs box.

    2. To unassign jobs from a report, select the desired job names in the Viewed Jobs box and click on the [<<] icon.  The selected jobs are moved to the Unused Jobs box.
      If you leave the Viewed Jobs box empty, the report will display all job profiles.

  • The Task field allows you to select which tasks will be included in this report.  By default all tasks are included.  Click on the down arrow icon located to the right of the Show Tasks header to select specific tasks.

    1. All of your tasks are listed in the Unused Tasks box.  The Viewed Task box lists the tasks that will be reported on.  Select the desired tasks from the Unused Tasks box and click on the [>>] icon to assign them to the report.  The selected task profiles names are moved to the Viewed Tasks box.

    2. To unassign tasks from a report, select the desired task names in the Viewed Tasks box and click on the [<<] icon.  The selected tasks are moved to the Unused Tasks box.
      If you leave the Viewed Tasks box empty, the report will display all task profiles.

  • If you would like the report to include equipment that is assigned to a specific group only, make the desired selection from the Group drop-down menu.

  • Use the Sort by field to select how the information on the report will be sorted.  Two sort levels can be specified.
    "Job" is selected in the first field, and "Task" is selected in the second.  The report will be sorted first by the job that the equipment was used with, and then alphabetically by task.

  • The Options section allows you to select how much information is to be displayed on this report.  Put a check mark in the box next to each type of information that you would like the report to display.

Click on the [DISPLAY REPORT] icon located directly below the Options section of the screen to generate the report.

Report Output:

The report is separated into columns.  The header at the top of the report lists the type of information that is displayed in the column below.

Note: The report output will vary depending on what Options you selected in the Report Criteria section of the screen.

  • The Equipment column displays the name of the piece of equipment that was used.

  • The Job column displays the name of the job that the piece of equipment was used with.

  • The Job# column displays the number of the job that the piece of equipment was used with.

  • The Description column give you a description of the job that the equipment was used with.

  • The Notes column displays any "Comments" notes that you entered into the system from the Job Tracking section of the program.

  • The Cost column displays the piece of equipment's per-hour cost.

  • The Est Hrs column displays the number of hours that you estimated this equipment would be needed to complete this job.

  • The Act Hrs column displays the actual number of hours that this piece of equipment has been used on this job.

  • The Est Cost column displays the total estimated usage cost for this equipment on this job.  This total is calculated from the equipment's per-hour cost and the number of estimated hours.

  • The Act Cost column displays the actual total usage cost for this piece of equipment on this job.  This figure is calculated from the equipment's per-hour cost and the actual number of logged usage hours.

Click on the [SAVE] icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to save this report to a separate file.  Click on the [PRINT] icon to print the report.