Weekly Hours Detail Report


This report displays a total of the weekly hours that the specified employees have worked. Totals are broken up by “Regular,” “Overtime” and “Holiday” hours. All hours are totaled at the end of the report. Use the “Pay Information” option to view the dollar amount that the employee has earned based on their pay rate and the number of hours worked.

Report Criteria:

The Report Criteria screen opens when you click on the report name from the main "Reports" section of the software.  This screen is where you tell the system what data you would like it to report on.

  • The Time Reports field allows you to select a different report from the drop-down menu.

  • Put a check mark in the Launch Report in Separate Window box if you would like the report to open in a new web browser window.  With this option de-selected the report is displayed directly below the Report Criteria section of the screen.

  • Use the Date Range fields to enter the range of days for which you would like to view changes to time card data.  Click on the icons to select the dates from a calendar.

  • The Employees field allows you to select which employees will be included in this report.  By default all employees are included.  Click on the down arrow icon located to the right of the Show Employees header to select employees.

    1. To view employees from a specific department only, select the desired department from the Department drop-down menu.

    2. All of your employees are listed in the Unused Employees box.  The Viewed Employees box lists the employees that will be reported on.  Select the desired employees from the Unused Employees box and click on the [>>] icon to assign them to the report.  The selected employee names are moved to the Viewed Employees box.

    3. To unassign employees from a report, select the desired employee names in the Viewed Employees box and click on the [<<] icon.  The selected employees are moved to the Unused Employees box.
      If you leave the Viewed Employees box empty, the report will display all employees.

  • The Worked Department field allows you to select which departments will be included in this report.  By default all departments are included.  Click on the down arrow icon located to the right of the Show Departments header to select departments.

    1. All of your departments are listed in the Unused Departments box.  The Viewed Departments box lists the departments that will be reported on.  Select the desired departments from the Unused Departments box and click on the [>>] icon to assign them to the report.  The selected department levels are moved to the Viewed Departments box.

    2. To unassign departments from a report, select the desired department levels in the Viewed Departments box and click on the [<<] icon.  The selected departments are moved to the Unused Departments box.
      If you leave the Viewed Departments box empty, the report will display all departments.

  • If you would like to view hours for a specific pay period type only (as in "Daily," "Weekly," "Bi-Weekly," etc.), make the desired selection from the Pay Period drop-down menu.

  • If you would like to view employees assigned to a specific Schedule Rule only, make the desired selection from the Schedule Rule drop-down menu.

  • If you would like to view employees assigned to a specific supervisor only, make the desired selection from the Supervisor drop-down menu.

  • The Type field allows you to select the type of employee that you would like the report to include (as in "Full Time," "Part Time," "Seasonal," etc.).

  • Use the Sort by field to select how the information on the report will be sorted.  Two sort levels can be specified.
    "Department" is selected in the first field, and "Employee Name" is selected in the second.  The report will be sorted first by the department level that the employees are assigned to, and then alphabetically by employee name.

  • The Options section allows you to select how much information is to be displayed on this report.  Put a check mark in the box next to each type of information that you would like the report to display.

Click on the [DISPLAY REPORT] icon located directly below the Options section of the screen to generate the report.

Report Output:

The report is separated into columns.  The header at the top of the report lists the type of information that is displayed in the column below.

Note: The report output depends greatly upon the Sort by settings and Options selected in the Report Criteria section of the screen.

  • The top of the report displays the employee name, ID, card number, the displayed date range, department level, and supervisor.

  • The first column displays the week that is being reported on.  These weeks are numbered, based on the Date Range selected in the Report Criteria screen.
    An entire month is selected in the Date Range fields.  The following data is listed in this column, Week 1, Week 3, Week 4, etc. (assuming that the employee had no hours during the second week of the selected pay period).

  • The Reg column shows the total number of "regular" hours that the employee worked during the displayed week.

  • The OT 1-4 columns shows the total number of "overtime" hours that the employee worked during the displayed week.

  • The Hol column shows the number of "holiday" hours on the employee's time card for the displayed week.

  • The Tot Hrs column adds all hours and shows a total number of hours for the displayed week.

  • If the "Pay Information" option was selected, the Pay column shows the total dollar amount earned by the employee for the displayed week.  This figure is calculated based on the number of hours worked and the employee's "regular," "overtime," and "holiday" pay rates (where applicable).

  • All hours totals and pay amounts are totaled at the bottom of each employee's section of the report.

Click on the [SAVE] icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to save this report to a separate file.  Click on the [PRINT] icon to print the report.