Create a Simple Schedule

A “Simple” schedule allows you to schedule your employees using only the most basic required information.

  1. From the Schedule Type drop-down menu, select "Simple Schedule."

  2. In the Date Range field, enter the starting and ending dates of this schedule. Click on the icons at the end of each field to select the date from a calendar.
    If you are creating a schedule for the month of August, “08/01/2004” would be entered into the first field and “08/31/2004” would be entered into the second.
    Put a check mark in the “Override Existing Schedule” option if you would like this new schedule to replace any schedules that already exist for the selected employees.

  3. The Employees section allows you to select the employees to whom this schedule applies. To select employees, click on the arrow icon at the far right of the screen. The Unused Employees and Viewed Employees boxes appear.

    • All of your available employees are displayed in the Unused Employees box. To filter this list by the department that your employees are assigned to, make the desired selection from the Filter by Department drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Click on the icon to make your selection from a department map. If you would like the list of employees to be sorted by seniority, put a check mark in the Sort by Hire Date field.

    • Highlight the desired employees by clicking on their names in the list (hold down the <CTRL> key on your keyboard while clicking to select multiple names).

    • Click on the [>>] icon to select the highlighted employees. The selected names are moved to the Viewed Employees box.
      If the Viewed Employees box is left empty, schedules will be created for all employees.

  4. The Department section allows you to create schedules for employees who are assigned to a specific department level only. To select department levels, click on the arrow icon located at the far right of the screen. The Unused Departments and Viewed Departments boxes appear.

    • All of your available department levels are displayed in the Unused Departments box. Highlight the desired department levels by clicking on their names in the list (hold down the <CTRL> key on your keyboard while clicking to select multiple names).

    • Click on the [>>] icon to select the highlighted departments. The selected names are moved to the Viewed Departments box.
      If the Viewed Departments box is left empty, schedules will be created for employees in all departments.

  5. If you would like to create schedules for employees assigned to a specific supervisor only, make the desired selection from the Supervisor drop-down menu.

  6. Enter a Start Time in 24-hour format. This is the time that the assigned employees are scheduled to begin work.

  7. Enter an End Date in 24-hour format. This is the time that the assigned employees are scheduled to be off.

  8. In the Days field, put a check mark in the box for each day of the week on which you would like these employees scheduled (based on the specified “Date Range”).

  9. If you would like to assign this schedule to a Schedule Rule, make the desired selection from the drop-down menu. See Schedule Rules instructions on setting up and using rules.

  10. Click on the [GENERATE SCHEDULES] icon. Schedules are created for the selected employees, based on the specified settings.

Once the simple schedules have been created, a log is displayed at the bottom of the screen. This log displays the number of schedules added, and the number of schedules that were not created. Once schedules have been created, the program gives you the option of generating hours based on the schedule that was just created.

In the log at the bottom of the screen, a line appears which reads "Pay to Schedule. Warning: Clicking this link will create hours for the schedules just created."

In order for this feature to work, the employee has to be assigned to a Schedule Rule. Hours are generated based on the "Required Hours" setting in the Schedule Rule. The required hours must not be set to zero.

Note that when using this option, the number of actual scheduled/worked hours is ignored. Only the Required Hours setting is used.