Creating a Schedule Rules Template
Click on the main "Schedule"
tab at the top of the screen, and then on the "Schedule Rules"
link located directly below the main program navigation tabs.
Click on the [NEW TEMPLATE]
icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the “Schedule Rules Template”
screen. The screen that opens is divided into multiple sections.
Schedule Rule Info
a name for this template in the Rule
Name field.
a Start Window. This is the number
of minutes before the scheduled starting time that punches will be recognized
as punches for this schedule.
Example: The schedule start time is 8 a.m. The start window
is set to 15 minutes. An employee clocks in at 7:50 a.m. This punch will
be considered an early punch for the schedule that begins at 8. If the
same employee were to punch in at 7:40, the punch would be flagged with
a “Not Scheduled” error code due to the fact that it does not fall within
the 15 minute start/stop window.
a Stop Window. This is the
number of minutes after the scheduled stop time that punches will be recognized
as punches for this schedule.
Example: The scheduled
stop time is 4 p.m. The stop window is set to half an hour. An employee
clocks out at 4:25 p.m. This punch will be considered a late punch for
the shift that ended at 4. If the same employee were to punch at 4:40,
the punch would be flagged with a "Not Scheduled" error code
due to the fact that it does not fall within the 30 minute stop window.
the number of Required Hours for
schedules assigned to this template. If employees working this schedule
do not work the specified number of hours, the system will flag their
punches for the day with an “Under Hours” error. This setting is used
for Error Monitoring only and does not affect hours and earnings totals.
the number of Absence Hours. This
is the number of hours that employees will be given when approved absences
are generated (such as Holiday, Vacation or Sick Time).
the number of Max Hours. If employees
working a schedule assigned to this template work more than the specified
number of hours, their punches for the day will be flagged with an “Over
Hours” error. This setting is used for Error Monitoring only, and does
not affect hours and earnings totals.
IQ 1000 Clock Parameters
This section of the screen will only be displayed if you are using TimeForce
with a Model IQ 1000 time clock, and have enabled IQ 1000 settings in
the TimeForce system.
IQ 1000 Allowed Period is the
number of minutes before the scheduled start time and after the scheduled
stop time that the employee is allowed to punch at the clock. All
punch attempts are logged, but employees must obtain a supervisor override
in order to clock in outside of their assigned period. In these cases,
the supervisor ID is downloaded with the punch.
Example: The Allowed Period is set to "00:15"
before the scheduled
start time of "07:00." An
employee assigned to this schedule rule attempts to clock in at "06:40."
the employee is 20 minutes early for their schedule, the clock displays
a message informing them that they are outside of their allowed range,
and must
have a supervisor override to complete the punch entry. If
the same employee were to clock in at "06:50," his or her punch
would be accepted as usual.
Meal Policy
a check mark in the Meal Policy
box if you would like to assign a meal to this Schedule Rule. Specify
the following meal break information. If
you do not wish to use meal breaks, move on to step #13.
a check mark in the Auto Deduct
box if you would like the system to automatically deduct a meal break
from employees who do not punch at the time clock during the specified
"Window." With
this option un-checked, no automatic deduction will be made, but the meal
policy will still be used for Error Monitoring.
the Meal Deduction. This is the
length of time to be deducted from your employees’ daily hours totals.
For example, “01:00” would be entered for an hour long lunch break. “00:30”
would be entered for a half-hour lunch break.
Window Start field is the length
of time after the beginning of the scheduled start time when employees
can begin taking lunch.
Example: The schedule start time is 8 am. The Window Start is
set to “02:30.” Employees working this schedule may begin taking their
lunch breaks at 10:30 am, or,
two-and-one-half hours after the starting time of their schedule for
that day.
Window Length is the window of
time during which employees assigned to this schedule may take their lunch
breaks. If an employee punches at the time clock during this range of
time, the system will assume that the punches are lunch punches and the
automatic deduction will be overridden.
Example: Using the same example as in the step above, if the
Window Length is set to “03:00,” this means that employees are allowed
to take their lunch breaks anywhere from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.
a check mark in the Force Meal
box if you would like the system to automatically deduct any remainder
of lunch minutes from an employee’s time card when the automatic deduction
has been overridden by a set of punches that falls under the specified
“Meal Deduction.”
Example: The Meal Deduction is set to half an hour. The Force
Meal option is enabled. An employee assigned to this schedule clocks out
for lunch during the specified Meal Window, thus overriding the automatic
deduction, and clocks back in 25 minutes later. The system automatically
deducts the remaining 5 minutes from the employee’s time card for the
day, bringing their total lunch deduction amount to 30 minutes. If
the employee does not clock out for lunch at
all, no deduction will occur unless the Auto
Deduct option is enabled.
Other Information
you would like to assign the hours worked on this schedule to a specific
department level, make the desired selection from the Department
drop-down menu. Click on the icon to make your selection
from a department map.
Note: This setting overrides any default department settings
specified in other areas of the program.
you would like to assign the hours worked on this schedule to a job, make
the desired selection from the Job
drop-down menu. This setting will override any job numbers entered at
the clock, as well as the employee's default job (if applicable).
you would like to assign the hours worked on this schedule to a Premium
Pay Code, make the desired selection from the Premium
Pay drop-down menu.
you would like to assign the hours worked on this schedule to a Minimum
Hours Policy, make the desired selection from the Minimum
Hours drop-down menu.
you would like to assign the hours worked on this schedule to a Schedule
Rounding Policy, make the desired selection from the Rounding
drop-down menu.
Note: Only rounding policies with a type of “Schedule” can be
assigned to a Schedule Rules Template. “Range” and “Interval” policies
cannot be used.
When using this option
employees will be paid for their breaks and lunches, but must still clock
“In” and “Out” at the time clock. This allows you to track the length
of the breaks and lunches that your employees are taking without deducting
the time from the employee’s time card.
Note: The “Paid Break/Lunch” feature is for use with IQ model time
clocks only. In order for the
option to work, employees must use the [BREAK] and/or [LUNCH] buttons
on the time clock. The keypad on an ETC model time clock does not include
these buttons.
the Break Length. This is the
length of the scheduled break (as in “15” for a 15 minute break or “60”
for an hour-long lunch break).
the Break Grace. This is the number
of minutes that employees are allowed to go over the specified break length
before their punches in the Time Card screen are flagged with a “Long
Break” error.
a check mark in the Restrict box
if you want the system to automatically deduct from the time card any
number of minutes that employees go under the specified break length and
Example: The specified lunch amount is 60 minutes. An employee
clocks out for lunch, but clocks back in 45 minutes later. Do you want
the system to automatically deduct the remaining 15 minutes?
a check mark in the Lunch box
if this paid break is to count as the employees lunch break.
Note: With this option selected, employees must use the [LUNCH]
key on the clock keypad when clocking out for this break. With this option
de-selected, the [BREAK] key must be used.
on the [ADD BREAK] icon to add the break to the schedule. Insert as many
breaks as desired. Click on the “Delete” icon in the Breaks
section of the screen to remove a break from the schedule.
Click on the [SAVE] icon
at the bottom of the screen to save the Schedule Rule Template.