Modifying or Deleting a Schedule Rules Template
Each existing template
is displayed on the main “Schedule Rule Templates” screen. The following
information is displayed for each template:
Click on the displayed
template name to open the “Schedule Rule Info” screen. Edit or view the
rules template as desired and click on the [SAVE] icon to save the changes
that you have made.
Start Window
This is the length of time
before the schedule start time during which any punches made at the time
clock will be considered punches for this schedule.
Example: The schedule start time is 8 am. The start window is set
to 15 minutes. An employee clocks in at 7:50 am. This punch will be considered
an early punch for the schedule that begins at 8. If the same employee
were to punch in at 7:40, the punch would be flagged with a “Not Scheduled”
error code due to the fact that it does not fall within the 15 minute
start/stop window.
Stop Window
This is the
length of time after the schedule ending time during which any punches
made at the time clock will be considered punches for this schedule.
Example: The
schedule stop time is 4 pm The stop window is set to 15 minutes. An employee
clocks out at 4:10 pm. This punch will be considered a late punch for
the schedule that ended at 4. If the same employee were to punch out at
4:20, the punch would be flagged with a “Not Scheduled” error code due
to the fact that it does not fall within the 15 minute stop window.
Required Hrs
This is the number of daily
hours and minutes that employees assigned to this schedule are required
to work. If an employee assigned to this schedule works fewer than the
number of hours specified here, their punches for the day will be flagged
with an “Under Hours” error code.
Note: This setting is used with “Error Monitoring” only and does
not affect hours and earnings totals.
Max Hrs
This is the maximum number
of daily hours that employees assigned to this schedule are allowed to
work. If an employee works more than the specified number of allowed hours
their punches for the day will be flagged with an “Over Hours” error code.
Note: This setting is used with “Error Monitoring” only and does
not affect hours and earnings totals.
If the rules template contains
an automatic lunch deduction, the length of the deduction is displayed
Click on the Copy
link to duplicate this set of schedule rules. Edit the copied template
as desired and click on the [SAVE] icon to save the new template.
Click on the icon to inactivate a schedule rule. Inactive
rules are displayed under the Inactive
Schedule Rule Templates section of the screen. An
inactive rule is still retained by the system, but will not be available
for schedule assignment.
Inactive rules can be re-activated
by clicking on the Activate link.
To permanently
remove an inactive rule from the system, click on the icon.