Monthly Schedule Replacement

Click on the "Schedule" tab at the top of the screen, then on the Schedule link located directly below the main program navigation tabs.

  1. From the Schedule drop-down menu, select "Monthly."

  2. In the Start Date field, enter the date on which you would like to displayed schedule to begin. Click on the icon to select the date from a calendar.

  3. The Employees section allows you to select the employees to whom this schedule applies. To select employees, click on the arrow icon at the far right of the screen. The Unused Employees and Viewed Employees boxes appear.

    • All of your available employees are displayed in the Unused Employees box. To filter this list by the department that your employees are assigned to, make the desired selection from the Filter by Department drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Click on the icon to make your selection from a department map. If you would like the list of employees to be sorted by seniority, put a check mark in the Sort by Hire Date field.

    • Highlight the desired employees by clicking on their names in the list (hold down the <CTRL> key on your keyboard while clicking to select multiple names).

    • Click on the [>>] icon to select the highlighted employees. The selected names are moved to the Viewed Employees box.
      If the Viewed Employees box is left empty, schedules will be created for all employees.

  4. If you would like to view the schedules of employees assigned to a specific supervisor only, make the desired selection from the Supervisor drop-down menu.

  5. The Sort by option allows you to select how the data on the screen is organized. Select the desired sort levels from the drop-down menus. Put a check mark in the "Group Results" box if you would like the displayed schedule to be broken up into separate sections based on your sort options. Without this option selected, all schedule data is contained in one section.

  6. Click on the [VIEW SCHEDULE] icon to generate the schedule. The schedule is displayed as a monthly calendar. The week days are displayed in the header at the top of the screen. Each day in the calendar displays the number of employees who are in the system as absent for that day (based on the absences entered through the Time Card section of the program), the number of employees scheduled to work for that day, and the total number of scheduled daily hours for all employees. Click on the arrow icon located next to the number of absent employees to bring up a detail of the absent employees for that day in the right-hand section of the screen.

  7. Click on the shift that the absent employee is scheduled to work (the red bar). A detail of the employee’s schedule for the day is displayed in the bottom left-hand section of the screen.

  8. Click on the [REPLACE] icon located at the top of the detail screen. The “Schedule Replacement” screen opens.

Schedule Replacement

This section of the screen allows you to define the parameters of the schedule that you are assigning a replacement for.

Note: The system does not require that you schedule a replacement for the same number of hours as the original schedule. However, any replacement made will be considered full coverage for the original schedule (even if a replacement is scheduled for only 1 hour of an 8 hour original schedule).

    • The Replacement For: field displays the name of the absent employee, and is not editable.

    • The Start Date field displays the starting date and time for the assigned schedule.  Edit these fields as desired. Click on the icon to select the starting date from a calendar.

    • The End Date field displays the ending date and time for the assigned schedule. Edit these fields as desired. Click on the icon to select the ending date from a calendar.
      In most cases the starting and ending date will be identical. The only time you need to change the ending date is if you would like to assign the employee to work an overnight schedule that crosses midnight.

    • If you would like to assign this schedule to a rule template, make the desired selection from the Schedule Rule drop-down menu.

    • Put a check mark in the Scheduled Employees option if you would like the system to show employees that are already scheduled to work a shift. This allows you to replace a critical shift with an employee who was previously scheduled to work a non-critical shift.

Overtime Equalization (Employee Sort Options)

This section of the screen allows you to search for an employee to take over the schedule. The system will search for a replacement based on the settings that you specify in the Sort fields.

Note: The setting specified in the Sort 1 field will be used unless multiple employees match the sort criteria, at which point Sort 2 will be used.  If the multiple employees match both sort criteria, Sort 3 will be used, etc.

The available sort criteria are:

    • Seniority: This setting searches for unscheduled employees who have worked for the company the longest.

    • Least Scheduled Hours: This setting searches for unscheduled employees who have the fewest number of hours scheduled for the pay period.

    • Least Worked Hours: This setting searches for unscheduled employees who have worked the fewest number of hours for the pay period.

    • Offered Hours: This setting brings up employees who have been offered a replacement the fewest number of times this pay period.

    • Least # of Absences: This setting offers the replacement to the employee whose Time Card contains the fewest number of absences for the pay period.

Select the order in which you would like the system to use the specified sort options. The 1st Sort field is taken into account first, followed by the 2nd Sort, etc.

  1. Once you have specified the desired settings in the "Schedule Replacement" screen, click on the [LIST EMPLOYEES] icon.

  2. The top ten employees who match the specified criteria are displayed, along with their phone number, their number of scheduled hours for the pay period, and their number of hours worked for the pay period. You have the option to “Accept” or “Decline” each employee in the list.

    • Click on the Accept link to re-schedule the specified employee to work the absent employee’s schedule. The employee’s schedule for the day is displayed in green, denoting that they have been scheduled to replace an absent employee. The absent employee’s original schedule for the day is displayed in grey, denoting that they were scheduled to work, but have been specified as absent and a replacement for their shift has been found.

    • Click on the Decline link to reject an employee. Declined employees are listed under the Employees that have declined  this schedule section of the screen.  Click on the Undo Decline link to reverse the decline and add the employee back to the list of available options.

    • When using the Scheduled Employee option, employees who are already scheduled for a shift are also displayed in the list. Click on the View Schedule link to view the employee's current schedule. The employee's schedule is displayed in a colored bar which is identical to the bars found on the main Schedule page. Click on this bar to view a detail of the employee's schedule. Click on the [DELETE] icon to delete the employee's schedule for the day. The Accept and Decline links now appear next to the employee's name in the list.