Enabling the "Comp Time" Setting

Employees will not begin to accrue available hours until you have enabled comp time from the “Accruals” section of the main Employee screen. Once you have enabled comp time the system allows you to enter absences which deduct from the employee’s available hours using the comp time absence codes that you have previously created.

  1. Click on the main “Employee” navigation tab.

  2. Select the desired employee from the Employee drop-down menu.

  3. Click on the Accruals link located directly below the main program navigation tabs.

  4. From the Comp Time Balance section of the screen, click on the [ENTER COMP TIME] icon. The “Enter Comp Time Information” screen opens.
    This icon does not appear if comp time has already been enabled for this employee. To edit an employee's existing comp time settings, click on the date under the Next Rollover / Expiration Date header.

  5. Enter the maximum number of comp time hours that your employees are allowed to earn into the Comp Time Cap field. Any hours earned that exceed the number of hours specified here are paid out as overtime. As comp time hours are used, employees are again allowed to earn hours up to the cap amount. Enter “0” in this field if you do not wish to use a comp time cap.

  6. The Gifted Comp Time Hours field allows you to award the employee with available comp time hours that have not been calculated by the system.  Enter "0" in this field if you do not wish to award the employee with an un-earned total of available comp time hours.

  7. The Banked Amount is the amount of comp time hours that have been rolled over from a previous year.  If you would like to manually specify a banked amount, enter the desired number of hours.
    Note: If the comp time policy is set to expire, the banked amount will never be used.

  8. The Current Process Date is used with both Comp Time Rollover and Comp Time Expiration. This field is updated to your computer’s current system date each time you process hours totals from either the Time Card or Pay Processing sections of the program.

    • Comp Time Rollover uses this field as a calendar. Rollover hours will not be banked until the date in this field has passed the specified rollover date.
      The Current Process Date is “07/25/2004” (or, the last time that totals were calculated from the Time Card or Pay Processing sections of the program). The Comp Time Rollover date is set to “08/01/2004.” On the 5th of August, comp time hours have not been banked. This is due to the fact that the date in the Current Process Date field has not yet passed the specified rollover date. Processing hours totals in either Time Cards or Pay Processing will update the Current Process Date field, thus applying the rollover settings.

    • Comp Time Expiration uses this field as both a calendar and the date on which paid out comp time hours are awarded to the employee’s time card.
      The Current Process Date is set to "07/25/2004" (or, the last time that totals were calculated from the Time Card or Pay Processing sections of the program). The Expiration Date is set to “08/01.” Payroll is processed on the 5th of August, which updates the Current Process Date to “08/05/2004.” Due to the fact that the Current Process Date has passed the specified Expiration Date, expired comp time hours are added to the employee's time card as overtime (using the overtime rate specified in the "Comp" Overtime Policy).  The hours total is awarded on the 5th of August, as defined by the Current Process Date. This date can be manually edited, allowing you to specify the date on which paid out comp time hours are awarded to the employee’s time card.

  9. The Comp Time Rollover field allows you to specify the date on which comp time hours will rollover from one period to another.

  10. The Allow Expire option allows you to specify that employees are not allowed to carry their unused comp time hours over to a new month or year. On the specified expiration date, unused hours are paid out directly to the employee’s time card. When using this option, the following settings must be specified:

    • The Expiration Date is the date on which unused comp time hours will expire. Enter a month and day for annual expiration (such as “01/01,” or the first of January), or enter only a day of the month for monthly expiration (such as “01,” or the first day of every month).

    • If you would like to specify an absence code for paid out comp time hours on the employee’s time card, select the desired code from the Expiration Absence drop-down menu.

Note that the above settings only appear when the "Allow Expire" option is selected.

  1. Click on the [SAVE] icon to apply the changes you have made.