Screen Format
The displayed date is shown in the header at the top of the screen. Click
on the or icons at either side of the date
to scroll through days.
The employee's punches for the day are listed under the date header.
Click on
the Edit link to edit a punch.
Time card data can be inserted at any time by clicking on the Enter Punch, Enter
Absence, or Enter Disbursements
links located at the top of the screen.
The system keeps track of any punches that have been edited or deleted
by saving the original punches as "inactive." This allows you
to track the changes that have been made to an employee's time card. Inactive
punches are listed under the Inactive Punches header. Click on
the Activate link to re-activate
an inactive punch. Click
on the icon to permanently delete a punch from the system.
To view
only the active punches, click on the [VIEW ACTIVE PUNCHES] icon at the
top of the screen.
The [GENERATE ERRORS] icon is used for generating
non-punch errors for all employees
(such as "Unscheduled Absences"). This option does
not re-calculate the time card, therefore no punch errors
(such as "In Late," "Out Early," etc.) will be generated.
Click on the [RECALCULATE COMPANY] icon
to recalculate hours totals for the pay period based on the changes that
you have made to time card data. This option effects all
Note: Recalculating punches
for the entire company will remove all verifications that may have been
performed, and could take as long as 30 minutes to complete, depending
on the size of your database and the speed of your machine.