Pay Period Verification

TimeForce has the ability to make Employee, Supervisor and/or Director Verification a required step before a pay period can be completed.


Verification is when the employee, supervisor or payroll director logs into the TimeForce software, views the time card for the pay period and "verifies" the period. This tells the system that the employee, supervisor or director agrees that the hours & earnings totals for the pay period are correct.


Before verification can be used, each employee and/or supervisor must be set up with a Username and Password which allows them to log into the TimeForce software. This setup is done from the User Security section of the program, located under the System Tools section of the main Admin tab.
Director verification can be performed by an Admin or Supervisor level user.  Customized Users can also be created with the ability to verify time cards as a Director.


When setting up Pay Periods, the option to enable Employee,  Supervisor and Director Verification appears. Selecting "YES" makes verification required for all employees and/or supervisors assigned to that pay period. To set up pay periods, click on the Pay Periods link located under the Policies section of the main Admin tab.

The three different levels of verification can be used in conjunction with one another, or any one of the three can be enabled or disabled as desired.

Verifying a Time Card

  1. Log into the TimeForce system as an Admin, Supervisor or Employee user.

  2. The "Verification" section is located in the very bottom right-hand corner of the screen.  Put a check mark in the box for Employee, Supervisor or Director (depending on the access rights of the logged in user).

Note: Any edits made to the data within a verified pay period will reset the status of the edited period to back "unverified."