Detailed Instructions on Using Enter Punch

Clicking on the Enter Punch link brings up the Punch Properties window.  Enter the following punch information.  Only the Punch Date and Punch Time fields are required.  All other information is optional.

  1. The employee's Full Name is displayed.  To insert a punch for a different employee, select the employee from the Time Cards section of the program before clicking on the Enter Punch link.

  2. Enter the Punch Time in 24-hour format.  For example, a punch for 1:20 p.m. would be inserted as "13:20."

  3. Enter a Punch Date by putting your cursor in the field and typing the desired date, or by clicking on the [CALENDAR] icon and selecting the desired date from the calendar.

  4. Put a check mark in the Raw Punch field if you would like the program to treat this punch as a punch that has been downloaded from the time clock, thus applying any rounding policies that the employee may be assigned to.
    In order to insert Job Tracking information, the punch must be specified as a Raw Punch.

  5. Put a check mark in the Department Transfer box if you would like to clock the employee into a department other than their default assigned department.

  6. Select a Punch Type.  The available options are "Normal," "Break" or "Lunch."  In most cases, a punch type of "Normal" will be used.

  7. If you would like this punch assigned to a Department, make the desired selection from the drop-down menu.

  8. If you would like this punch to count as a punch for a job, make the desired selection from the Job drop-down menu.

  9. If you would like this punch to count as a punch for a task, make the desired selection from the Task drop-down menu.

  10. If you would like to assign a piece rate quantity to this punch, enter the appropriate number into the Quantity field.

  11. The In/Out Override field allows you to manually specify whether the punch is an "IN" or "OUT" punch.  When set to "AUTO," the program will automatically determine whether this is an "IN" or "OUT" punch based on the order of the employee's punches for the day.

  12. Use the Notes field to insert any additional comments about this punch.

  13. Click on the [SUBMIT]  icon to add the punch to the employee's time card.