Spreadsheet Punch Entry
Spreadsheet Punch Entry
allows you to edit an employee's punches for an entire pay period quickly
and easily. Each
day in the pay period is displayed in a spreadsheet format. The
existing punch data can be mass-edited, and new punch information can
be inserted.
From the main Time Card
tab, click on the Supervisor link,
and then on Spreadsheet Punch Entry.
The "Spreadsheet
Punch View" window opens.
Screen Layout
The screen is displayed
in a table format. Each
day in the pay period is separated by a blue header with the date displayed
on the left. Each
punch assigned to the day is displayed as a row in the table.
Editing Punches
The following punch options are available for each punch in the Spreadsheet
Punch Entry screen:
Save-- Only punches with this option
selected will be edited/inserted when you click on the [SAVE] icon. If
you do not want the edits you have made to a punch in the spreadsheet
to be applied to the employee's time card, remove the check mark from
this option.
Punch Time-- This column displays the
time assigned to the displayed punch.
Dept Transfer-- This column is used
when creating new punches. It
allows you to specify that an entry is a department transfer punch.
Punch Type-- This drop-down menu allows
you to specify a punch as a "NORMAL," "BREAK," or
"LUNCH" punch.
Dept-- This drop-down menu allows you
to assign a punch to a specific department level. Click
on the icon to select the department from a map.
In/Out-- This drop-down menu allows
you to manually specify a punch as "IN," "OUT," or
Note: With "AUTO" selected, the system automatically
determines the in/out status based on the order of the punches.
Job-- This drop-down menu allows you
to assign the punch to a Job.
Note: This option is used with the Job Tracking module of the
TimeForce system.
Task-- This drop-down menu allows you
to assign the punch to a Task.
Note: The punch must be assigned to a Job in order for this
option to be available.
QTY-- This option allows you to assign
a "piece quantity" to the punch.
Note: The punch must be assigned to a Job in order for this
option to be available.
Delete-- Punches with this option
selected will be removed from the employee's time card when you click
on the [SAVE] icon.
Inserting Punches
Each day in the pay period is separated by a blue header with the date
displayed on the left. Directly
to the right of the displayed date is the icon. Click
on this icon to insert a new punch into the spreadsheet for that day.
Applying Edited Spreadsheet Information to an Employee's Time Card
Once you have finished
editing the employee's time card data on the spreadsheet, click on one
of the [SAVE] icons located in either the upper or lower right-hand corners
of the screen. Every
punch with the Save option selected
is applied to the employee's time card. Changes
made to punches without the Save option selected are not applied.
with the Delete option selected
are removed from the employee's time card.