Setting Up "IWAM" and "IUSR" Permissions

In order for the  TimeForce program to function properly, you must first grant security access to the TimeForce web application so that users logging in to the system from other computers will be able to access the program.

  1. Using My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse to the location where the application was installed (the default installation directory is "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\qqest").

  2. Right-click on the "Qqest" folder and select Properties.

  3. From the window that opens, click on "Security" located in the row of tabs that run across the top of the screen.

  4. In the Group or user names section of the screen, look for the following settings, "IUSR_<computername>" and "IWAM_<computername>."
    "<computername>" stands for the computer's network name. For example, if the computer's name is "COMP1," the setting in the list would be "IUSR_COMP1" or "IWAM_COMP1."

    • If these usernames do not appear in the list, refer to the "Creating a New User" section below.

    • If these usernames do appear in the list, refer to the "Editing Permissions for an Existing User" section below.

Creating a New User

Use the following instructions to add the "IUSR_<computername>" and <IWAM_"computername"> settings.

  1. From the "Security" tab, click on the [ADD] icon. The "Select Users, Computers or Groups" screen appears.

  2. Click on the [LOCATIONS] icon located at the end of the field labeled From this location. The "Locations" screen appears.

  3. The "Locations" screen contains a tree-directory. Click on the first item in the list. This should be the network name of the computer that TimeForce is installed on. With the computer name highlighted, click on the [OK] icon. The "Select Users or Groups" screen appears.

  4. Click on the [ADVANCED] icon located in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.

  5. A row of icons appears to the right of the Common Queries section of the screen. Click on the [FIND NOW] icon. A list of available users appears at the bottom of the screen.

  6. Hold down the {CTRL} key on your keyboard and click on both the IUSR and IWAM users in the list (the actual user names will include the computer name). With both users highlighted, press {ENTER} on your keyboard.

  7. The "Select Users or Groups" screen re-appears. Both users should now be displayed in the window. Click on the [OK] icon.

  8. From the Group or user names section of the screen, highlight the "Internet Guest Account ("<computername>\IUSR_<"computername">) setting.

  9. From the Permissions for Internet Guest Account section of the screen, put a check mark in the "Allow" option for Full Control. All other permissions should now be checked.

  10. From the Group or User Names section of the screen, highlight "Launch IIS Process Account (<"computername">\IWAM_<"computername">) setting.

  11. From the Permissions for Launch IIS Process Account section of the screen, put a check mark in the "Allow" option for Full Control. All other permissions should now be checked.

  12. Click on the [OK] icon at the bottom of the screen to apply the changes that you have made.

You should now be able to run the TimeForce system from any machine on your network.

Editing Permissions for an Existing User

Use the following instructions to grant the necessary permissions to existing users.

  1. From the Group or user names section of the screen, highlight the "Internet Guest Account ("<computername>\IUSR_<"computername">) setting.
    The actual user names will include the computer name.

  2. From the Permissions for Internet Guest Account section of the screen, ensure that there is a check mark in the "Allow" option for Full Control. With this option selected, all other permissions should be checked.

  3. From the Group or User Names section of the screen, highlight "Launch IIS Process Account (<"computername">\IWAM_<"computername">) setting.
    The actual user names will include the computer name.

  4. From the Permissions for Launch IIS Process Account section of the screen, ensure that there is a check mark in the "Allow" option for Full Control. With this option selected, all other permissions should be checked.

  5. Click on the [OK] icon at the bottom of the screen to apply any changes that you may have made.

You should now be able to run the TimeForce system from any machine on your network.