Minimum Hours

Minimum Hours policies guarantee your employees a set number of time card hours, regardless of the number of hours worked. There are three types of minimum hours policies, “Daily,” “Overtime Week” and “Pay Period.”

Daily Minimum Hours Policy

A Daily Minimum Hours policy guarantees your employees a set number of hours worked per day, regardless of the number of hours worked.
A Daily Minimum Hours policy named “5 Hours” is created, with a minimum number of 5 hours specified. An employee assigned to this policy clocks in for work, but goes home after only 3 hours worked. The employee’s hours total for the day is 5 hours, based on the Minimum Hours policy that the employee is assigned to.

Overtime Week Minimum Hours Policy

An Overtime Week Minimum Hours policy guarantees your employees a set number of hours per week, based on the overtime week. The overtime week indicates the starting and stopping days of your weekly overtime period.
The Overtime Week is set to “Monday - Sunday.”

“Employee 1” is assigned to an Overtime Week Minimum Hours policy with a minimum of 40 weekly hours specified. When “Employee 1” clocks out at the end of the day on Friday he is at a total of 38 hours for the week. 2 hours are automatically added to the employee’s hours total for the overtime week, bringing him to a total of 40 weekly hours. When the employee clocks in for work on Monday, he will be starting a new overtime week and no hours will be automatically generated.

Pay Period Minimum Hours Policy

A Pay Period Minimum Hours policy guarantees your employees a set number of hours per pay period, regardless of the number of hours worked.
“Employee 1” is assigned to a bi-weekly pay period. She is also assigned to a Pay Period Minimum Hours policy with a minimum of 88 hours per pay period specified. When the employee clocks out for the day on the last day of the pay period she is at a total of 85 hours for the pay period. 3 hours are automatically inserted into the employee’s time card, bringing her to a total of 88 hours for the pay period.