Adding Favorites

Favorites allow you to generate the reports that you use on a regular basis quickly and easily.

A favorite can consist of a single report, or multiple reports can be displayed on the same screen. You can even have multiple instances of the same report, but you will want to choose separate settings for each report instance.

The system automatically saves the report criteria of any report favorite. This makes it so that you do not have to select the same report settings each time you run a report.

Creating a Favorite

Click on the main "Reports" navigation tab, and then on the Edit Favorites link located directly below the row of tabs at the top of the screen.

The Edit Favorites screen opens. This screen is divided into two sections. On the left-hand side of the screen, click on the Add Favorite icon. The Favorite screen appears to the right. This screen is divided into multiple sections.


  • Enter a Name for this favorite as you would like it to be displayed in the program.

  • In the Section Title field, select the section that you would like this favorite to be assigned to. If you do not select a section, one will be automatically created based on the report group that the first report in the favorite comes from.

Automatic Behaviors

This section allows you to define how the program will act when a favorites report is generated from the Report Bar section of the program.

  • Close Bar: With this option selected, the Report Bar will automatically be minimized to the left-hand side of the screen when a report is generated.

  • Close Criteria: With this option enabled, the report or reports assigned to the selected favorite will open with the "Report Criteria" section of the screen minimized.

  • Submit: With this option selected, each report in the favorite will be submitted when the favorite is run. With this option de-selected, the reports are not automatically run, allowing you to edit the Report Criteria before submitting the report.

  • Save Changes: With this option selected, the settings specified in the Report Criteria section of each report in the favorite will be automatically saved. This prevents you from having to re-enter the same criteria settings each time the report is run.


  • Icon: When the Report Bar is minimized to the left-hand corner of the screen, each favorite report is displayed on the toolbar with an icon. Select the color and shape that you would like to use for this favorite icon.

  • Icon Position: This setting allows you to assign the order of the displayed icons. Keep in mind that lower numbers appear toward the top of the list.


A favorite contains a total of 10 report positions. When all 10 positions are assigned, the favorite displays as a table with two reports columns (each column is half-screen) and five rows of customizable height. These positions can be set up any way you desire. For example, you can set your most heavily used reports to the full width of the screen by only assigning one report per column. Then, your lesser used reports can be set up with two reports per row.

Full-sized reports, or half-width reports on the left-hand side of the row are assigned in the positions located under the Full-Width / Half-Width Left Side header. half-width reports on the right side of the row are assigned to the positions located under the Half-Width Right Side header.

  • From the Report drop-down menu, select the report that you would like to assign to this position. The reports in the drop-down list are sorted by their report group.
    If you did not select a section for this for this favorite to be assigned to, the section is automatically created based on the report group that the first report in the favorite belongs to.

  • The Coloring option allows you to define the color used for the header and borders of the report. This can help to differentiate one report from another when viewing multiple reports on the same screen.

  • The Height option allows you to select the height of the report. This option can be defined by either a number of pixels, or a percentage. Choose the desired option from the Height Type field located directly above the Full-Width / Half-Width Left Side header. Note that along a row, the heights are linked. If you change the height of the report on the left side, the height on the right side will automatically change.

  • The Width option is automatically assigned. If a report is selected in the left-hand position of the row only, it will be displayed at 100% width. If both the left and right-hand positions of the row are assigned, each will be displayed at 50%.

Assign reports to the desired positions. Once you have finished assigning reports, click on the [ADD] icon to save the report favorite. The favorite is listed in the Edit Favorites section on the left-hand side of the screen. To delete a favorite, click on the icon.