Mass Entry

Mass Entry allows users to enter punches, absences, disbursements, or hours for an entire group of employees at a time.

This screen can be accessed from either the Time Card or Schedule section of the program.

  • To access "Mass Entry" from the main Time Card screen, click on the Supervisor link, and then on Mass Entry.

  • To access "Mass Entry" from Schedule, click on the Mass Entry link at the top of the screen.
    This link can be accessed from any screen in the Schedule section of the program.

The "Mass Create Punch Groups" screen opens. Before you can insert mass entries, you must first create a "punch group."

Creating a Punch Group

  1. Click on the [ADD GROUP] icon located at the top of the screen.  The "New Group" window appears.

  2. In the Description field, enter a name for this punch group.

  3. If you would like to filter the list of available employees by assigned department level, make the desired selection from the Filter by Department drop-down menu.  Click on the icon to select the department from a map.

  4. If you would like to include sub-departments in the department list, put a check mark in the Include All Sub Departments option.

  5. The Employees section of the screen is split up into two sections.  The Unused box contains all employees (based on your selected filter options).  The Used box contains the employees that are assigned to this punch group.  Select the desired employees from the Unused box, and click on the [>>] icon.  The selected employees are moved to the Used box.
    To select multiple employees, hold down the <CTRL> or <SHIFT> key on your keyboard while clicking.

  6. To remove employees from the punch group, select the desired employee in the Used box, and click on the [<<] icon.

  7. Click on the [SAVE] icon to save the punch group.

Each punch group is listed on the main "Mass Create Punch Groups" screen.  To edit an existing group, select the radio-button for the desired group and click on the [EDIT GROUP] icon.  Click on the icon to delete a punch group.

Creating Mass Entries

To create mass entries, select the radio-button for the group that you would like to create mass entries for and click on one of the icons that run along the bottom of the main "Mass Create Punch Groups" screen.

Use the instructions below that correspond with the type of mass entry that you would like to create.

Mass Punch Entry

This option allows you to insert up to 12 punches for each employee in the punch group.  

  1. Select the radio-button next to the group that you would like to insert punches for.

  2. Click on the [PUNCHES] icon at the bottom of the "Mass Create Punch Groups" screen.  The "Create Mass Punches" screen opens.

  3. Enter the Start Date and End Date. This is the range of days during which punches will be created for the specified times on the specified days of the week.  Click on the icons to select the dates from a calendar.

  4. You are allowed to create multiple punches per day. Specify the following information for each desired punch:

    • Time: Enter the time of the punch.

    • In/Out: Specify the punch as "IN," "OUT" or "DEFAULT."
      "DEFAULT" works well for most users.

    • Type: Specify whether the punch is a "NORMAL," "LUNCH" or "BREAK" punch.

    • Department: If you want the punch to be assigned to a specific department level, select the desired department from this drop-down menu. "HOME DEPT" means that the punch will be assigned to the employee’s default department level.

    • Method: If you have selected a department level, this field allows you to specify whether this punch is a department "OVERRIDE" or "TRANSFER."

  5. Put a check mark in the box under each day of the week on which you would like these punches to be created.

  6. The Employees section of the screen allows you to modify the employees that are assigned to this group. The Used section displays the employees that are already assigned. Add or remove employees from the group as desired.
    The changes you make to the employees assigned to this group do not effect the group itself. You are only modifying which employees will be included in this mass punch entry.

  7. Click on the [PROCESS] icon to process the mass punch entry.

Mass Absence Entry

This option allows you to insert absences for each employee in the punch group.

  1. Select the radio-button next to the group that you would like to insert punches for.

  2. Click on the [ABSENCES] icon at the bottom of the "Mass Create Punch Groups" screen.  The "Create Mass Absences" screen opens.

  3. Enter the Start Date and End Date. An absence will be created for each day in this range, based on your Effective Days selection.

  4. There are two methods of specifying the number of Hours:

    • Select the first field if you would like to give employees an hours total for this day. For example, 8 hours of Vacation time.

    • Select the second field if you would like to insert a starting and ending time for the absence. For example, Vacation time is used from “8:00” to “16:00.”

  5. Select the absence Type from the drop-down menu.

  6. If you would like to assign this absence to a specific Department, make the desired selection from the drop-down menu.  Click on the icon to select the department from a map.

  7. The Effective Days option allows you to select on which days of the week absences will be created.
    If you would like to create absences for a 2-week period, but on weekdays only, the desired period would be specified in the Start Date and End Date fields.  A check mark would then be placed in the boxes for Monday through Friday, leaving the Sunday and Saturday boxes un-checked.

  8. The Employees section of the screen allows you to modify the employees that are assigned to this group. The Used section displays the employees that are already assigned. Add or remove employees from the group as desired.
    The changes you make to the employees assigned to this group do not effect the group itself. You are only modifying which employees will be included in this mass absence entry.

  9. Click on the [PROCESS] icon to process the mass absence entry.

Mass Schedule Entry

This option allows you to enter punches for the employees selected in the punch group based on the schedule that they are assigned to work.

Note: In order for this method of mass entries to work, employees must be assigned to work a schedule in the TimeForce system.  Each schedule that employees are assigned to work must also be assigned to a Schedule Rule. Hours are not created for any absences that appear on the employee's time card, so long as the absence is entered using an "hours range" (for example, "08:00 - 17:00"), as opposed to a total number of hours (as in, 8 hours) for the day.

  1. Select the radio-button next to the group that you would like to insert punches for.

  2. Click on the [SCHEDULE] icon at the bottom of the "Mass Create Punch Groups" screen.  The "Create Mass Punches by Schedule" screen opens.

  3. Enter the desired Date Range.  Punches will be created for the schedule that the selected employees are assigned to work on each day in this range.  Click on the icons to select the dates from a calendar.

  4. The system allows you to select what types of punches are created.  Put a check mark in the Schedule Start option to create an "IN" punch for employees' schedules.  Put a check mark in the Schedule End option to create an "OUT" punch for employees' schedules.

  5. The Forecast option is used with the "Forecast" report. When selected, no hours will be generated, but employee hours will be forecasted based on the Mass Hours entry.

  6. The Employees section of the screen allows you to modify the employees that are assigned to this group. The Used section displays the employees that are already assigned. Add or remove employees from the group as desired.
    The changes you make to the employees assigned to this group do not effect the group itself. You are only modifying which employees will be included in this mass punch entry.

  7. Click on the [PROCESS] icon to process the mass punch entry.

Mass Disbursements Entry

This option allows you to enter disbursements (or, tips) for each employee in the punch group.

  1. Select the radio-button next to the group that you would like to insert disbursements for.

  2. Click on the [DISBURSEMENTS] icon at the bottom of the "Mass Create Punch Groups" screen.  The "Create Mass Disbursements" screen opens.

  3. Enter the Start Date and End Date. This is the range of days on which a disbursement will be added, based on your Effective Days selection.  Click on the icons to select the dates from a calendar.
    When using the Distributed option, the start and end dates must be the same.

  4. Enter the disbursement Amount. Remember to use a period. For example, a disbursement amount of fifteen dollars would be entered as “15.00.”

  5. Select the disbursement Type from the drop-down menu.
    This field can be customized from the Edit Tables section of the program, located in the System Tools section of the main Admin tab.

  6. If you would like to assign this disbursement entry to a specific department level, make the desired selection from the Department drop-down menu.  Click on the icon to select the department from a map.

  7. If you would like to assign a Job to this disbursement entry, make the desired selection from the Job drop-down menu. Click on the icon to select the job from a map.
    This option will only be available if you are using the "Job Tracking" module of the TimeForce system.

  8. Select the Distributed option if you would like the dollar amount specified to be divided between each employee in the group. Each employee will get a different disbursement amount based upon the amount of hours worked.  With this option de-selected, each employee will receive the specified dollar amount.
    When using the Distributed option, the start and end dates must be the same.  Note that with this option selected, the Effective Days section of the screen is grayed-out.

  9. If desired, enter a Reason for this disbursement entry.

  10. The Effective Days option allows you to select on which days of the week disbursements will be inserted.
    If you would like to insert disbursements for a 2-week period, but on weekdays only, the desired period would be specified in the Start Date and End Date fields.  A check mark would then be placed in the boxes for Monday through Friday, leaving the Sunday and Saturday boxes un-checked.

  11. The Employees section of the screen allows you to modify the employees that are assigned to this group. The Used section displays the employees that are already assigned. Add or remove employees from the group as desired.
    The changes you make to the employees assigned to this group do not effect the group itself. You are only modifying which employees will be included in this mass disbursement entry.

  12. Click on the [PROCESS] icon to process the mass disbursement entry.

Mass Hours Entry

This option allows you to enter total number of daily hours for each employee in the punch group.

  1. Select the radio-button next to the group that you would like to insert hours for.

  2. Click on the [HOURS] icon at the bottom of the "Mass Punch Groups" screen.  The "Create Mass Hours" screen opens.

  3. Enter the Start Date and End Date. This is the range of days on which hours totals will be added, based on your Effective Days selection.  Click on the icons to select the dates from a calendar.

  4. The Forecast option is used with the "Forecast" report. When selected, no hours will be generated, but employee hours will be forecasted based on the Mass Hours entry.

  5. If you would like to award employees with a set number of Hours, enter the number of daily hours to be inserted for each day in the specified date range, based on your Effective Days selection.

  6. The Pay to Schedule option will award employees with the number of "Required Hours" specified on the Schedule Rule of the schedule that they are assigned to.
    In order to use this option, employees must be assigned to a schedule. The schedule that the employees are assigned to must also be assigned to a Schedule Rule which has a "Required Hours" setting that is greater than "0." The number of hours awarded is based solely on the "Required Hours." The actual start and stop time of the schedule that the employee is assigned to is ignored. If an employee already has hours on a day specified in the Mass Hours range, no additional hours will be awarded by this setting.

  7. If you would like to assign these hours to a Premium Pay Code, make the desired selection from the Premium drop-down menu.

  8. If you would like to assign these hours to a department level, make the desire selection from the Department drop-down menu, or click on the icon to select from a department map.  By default the employee's assigned department level will be selected.

  9. If you would like to assign this hours total to a Schedule Rule, make the desired selection from the drop-down menu.

  10. If you would like to assign these hours to a Job, make the desired selection from the Job drop-down menu.
    This option will only be available if you are using the Job Tracking module of the TimeForce system.

  11. If you would like to assign these hours to a Task, make the desired selection from the Task drop-down menu.
    This field is only available when you have selected a "Job."

  12. If you would like to assign a piece quantity to this hours total, make the desired entry in the Quantity field.
    This field is only available when you have selected a "Job."

  13. The Effective Days option allows you to select on which days of the week hours totals will be created.
    If you would like to hours totals for a 2-week period, but on weekdays only, the desired period would be specified in the Start Date and End Date fields.  A check mark would then be placed in the boxes for Monday through Friday, leaving the Sunday and Saturday boxes un-checked.

  14. The Employees section of the screen allows you to modify the employees that are assigned to this group. The Used section displays the employees that are already assigned. Add or remove employees from the group as desired.
    The changes you make to the employees assigned to this group do not effect the group itself. You are only modifying which employees will be included in this mass hours entry.

  15. Click on the [PROCESS] icon to process the mass hours entry.

Mass Delete Hours

This option allows you to delete hours that have been generated on the time card using the "Pay to Schedule" option. All hours that have been added to the selected employees' time cards based on the Schedule that they are assigned to work, and the Schedule Rule that their schedules are assigned to will be deleted from the system.
Pay-to-schedule hours are created by using the "Schedule" option on the Mass Entry screen.

  1. Select the radio-button next to the group that you would like to delete pay-to-schedule hours for.

  2. Click on the [DELETE HOURS] icon located at the bottom of the "Mass Punch Groups" screen. The "Delete Mass Overridden Hours" screen opens.

  3. Enter the Start Date of the range of days for which you would like to delete pay-to-schedule hours. Click on the icon to select the date from a calendar.

  4. Enter the End Date of the range of days for which you would like to delete pay-to-schedule hours. Click on the icon to select the date from a calendar.

  5. The Effective Days option allows you to select on which days of the week pay-to-schedule hours will be deleted.
    If you would like to delete hours for a 2-week period, but on weekdays only, the desired period would be specified in the Start Date and End Date fields.  A check mark would then be placed in the boxes for Monday through Friday, leaving the Sunday and Saturday boxes un-checked.

  6. The Employees section of the screen allows you to modify the employees that are assigned to this group. The Used section displays the employees that are already assigned. Add or remove employees from the group as desired.
    The changes you make to the employees assigned to this group do not effect the group itself. You are only modifying which employees will be included in this pay-to-schedule deletion.

  7. Click on the [PROCESS] icon to process the mass pay-to-schedule hours deletion.

Mass Edit Punches

This option allows you to adjust punches a specified number of hours forward or backward in time for each employee in the punch group.

  1. Select the radio-button next to the group that you would like to insert hours for.

  2. Click on the [EDIT] icon at the bottom of the "Mass Punch Groups" screen.  The "Edit Mass Punches" screen opens.

  3. Enter the desired date into the Day to Edit field. Click on the icon to select the date from a calendar.

  4. Enter a starting time and an ending time into the Time Range fields. All punches that fall within the specified time range will be edited.

  5. In the Adjust field, select either "Add" or "Subtract" and enter the appropriate number of hours to be edited.

  6. The Unused and Used boxes at the bottom of the screen allow you to edit the employees included in the selected group. Select the desired employees in either box and click on the  and icons to add/remove names from the list.
    This edits the employee group for the current process only.

  7. Click on the [PROCESS] icon to process the mass edit entry.