Creating Job Profiles

To insert job profiles, click on the main "Job Tracking" tab at the top of the screen and then on the Jobs link located in the row of sub-tabs located directly under the main program navigation tabs.

Job profiles can be inserted in one level or in multiple levels, allowing you to assign sub-jobs to your main job profiles if desired.

The Jobs screen is divided into two sections.  A map of your existing job profiles appears on the left-hand side of the screen.

Job profiles are structured as "Parent/Child" levels.  The job that is being sub-divided into levels is always specified as the Parent.  Your company name is listed as the main Parent level.  Your main jobs are inserted as Child levels to the company name.  You can create further sub-jobs if desired, using each main job as the Parent level.
The company name "New Company" is the Parent level with two main job levels "B01SLC" and "B02SLC" as Child levels.  When inserting the sub-level "TEST/RINGOUT," "B01SLC" is the Parent level and "TEST/RINGOUT" is the Child.  When adding further sub-levels, "TEST/RINGOUT" is specified as the Parent regardless of the fact that it was specified as the Child level when created.

Inserting Job Profiles

Click on the icon next to the desired job level to insert a sub-job.  When creating main job levels, click on the icon next to the company name.  The Job Info screen opens to the right.  This screen is where new job tracking information is entered.  This screen is divided into multiple sections.

Note: All job information is optional unless specifically noted otherwise.

Add New Job

This section of the setup allows you to define the most basic job profile information.

  1. Enter a Name for this job profile.  This field can contain letters, numbers or a combination of both.  There is no minimum number of required characters.

  2. Enter a Description for this job.  This field can contain letters, numbers or a combination of both.  There is no minimum number of required characters.

  3. Select the Parent Job from the drop-down menu.  By default this field is populated by the job level that you clicked on the icon for.

  4. Select a job Group from the drop-down menu.  See the Job Settings section for information on setting up groups.
    The label for this field is customizable.  See the Custom Fields section for information on re-labeling custom fields.

  5. Enter an Export Code for this job profile.  This field is used when exporting job information to an external payroll software (such as QuickBooks or Peachtree).  This field can contain letters, numbers or a combination of both.  There is a maximum of 10 characters allowed for this field.
    The label for this field is customizable.  See the Custom Fields section for information on re-labeling custom fields.

  6. Enter the Job Number.  This is the number that your employees will use to punch in to and out from this job at the time clock.  The job number can contain a maximum of 10 characters.  The next available job number is displayed to the right of the field.
    The program requires that you enter a job number.

  7. Enter the Start Date and End Date for this job.  Click on the icons to select the dates from a calendar.

  8. Select the Department that you would like this job assigned to from the drop-down menu.  Click on the icon to select the department from a tree-directory.

  9. If you would like to assign this job to a Minimum Hours Policy, make the desired selection from the drop-down menu.

  10. The next five fields are customizable.  By default these fields are labeled Category, Location, Reference, Account#, and Invoice#.  See the Custom Fields section for information on re-labeling custom fields.

  11. At this point you need to save the job profile before most of the remaining information can be inserted.  Click on the [ADD] icon located in either the upper or lower right-hand corners of the screen. Once the job profile has been saved you can continue inserting job information.

Pay Rates

This section of the setup is where you define how employees working this job will be paid.

  1. Under the Pay Rates header, select either "Default," "Premium," or "Rates."

    • Default means that the employee will be paid for time worked on this job based on the information specified in their employee profile.

    • Premium allows you to select a Premium Pay Policy for use with this job.  The Premium option will only be available if you have previously set up "Job/Task Rates" in the Premium Pay section of the software.

    • Rates allows you to select a specific rate of pay that employees working this job are to receive.  Click on the Add Rate link to specify rates for this job.

Estimated Amounts

If you would like the program to track "estimated vs. actual" data, this section of the setup is where you enter your estimated job completion information.

  1. The Good Qty is the number of "good" completed pieces that you project you will have at the end of the job.

  2. The Bad Quantity is the number of "bad" pieces that you project you will have at the end of the job.

  3. The Bad Quantity Rate is the projected dollar amount per "bad" piece.

  4. The Labor Hours is the total number of hours that you have projected it will take to complete this job.
    This value is used in the absence of tasks.

  5. The Labor Rate is the projected cost per labor hour.
    This value is used in the absence of tasks.

Billable Amounts

These are the projected hours and rates that are billable to a customer.

  1. The Est. Hours is the total number of hours spent on this job that you project will be billable to a customer.

  2. The Billable Rate is the rate per-labor hour that you project will be billable to a customer.

Allowed Employees

This section of the setup allows you to specify which employees are allowed to work on this job.  By default, all employees are assigned to the job.  If you would like to set up employee restrictions, remove the check mark from the Allow all Employees field.

  1. All available employees are listed in the Not-Allowed Employees box on the left-hand side of the screen.  If you would like the list to display employees from a specific department only, select the desired department from the "Filter by Department" drop-down menu.

  2. Highlight the desired employees by clicking on their names in the list.  To select multiple employees, hold down the <CTRL> or <SHIFT> keys on your keyboard while clicking.  Click on the [>>] icon to assign the selected employees to the job.  The highlighted employee names are moved to the Allowed Employees box.

  3. To unassign an employee from a job, highlight their name in the Allowed Employees box and click on the [<<] icon.  The selected employee is moved to the Not-Allowed Employees box.

Allowed Tasks

This section of the setup allows you to specify which tasks can be worked with this job.  By default, all tasks are assigned to the job.  If you would like to set up task restrictions, remove the check mark from the Allow all Tasks field.

  1. All available tasks are listed in the Not-Allowed Tasks box on the left-hand side of the screen.

  2. Highlight the desired tasks by clicking on their names in the list.  To select multiple tasks, hold down the <CTRL> or <SHIFT> keys on your keyboard while clicking.  Click on the [>>] icon to assign the selected tasks to the job.  The highlighted task names are moved to the Allowed Tasks box.

  3. To unassign a task from a job, highlight their name in the Allowed Tasks box and click on the [<<] icon.  The selected task is moved to the Not-Allowed Tasks box.


The Comments box allows you to insert any additional notes or comments about the job.  This box is for your information only, and is not used by the software.  There is a maximum of 2000 characters allowed.

Once you have inserted the desired job information, click on the [UPDATE] icon located in the right-hand corner of either the top or bottom of the screen.