
This section of the program allows you to view your current schedules. Schedules can be viewed in three different formats, “Daily,” “Weekly” and “Monthly.” Specific employees can be selected, or all employees’ schedules can be displayed.

Screen Format


This drop-down menu at the top of the screen allows you to select the type of schedule that you would like to view. The available options are “Daily,” “Weekly” or “Monthly.”

To the far right of this field is the Launch Results in Separate Window option. Put a check mark in this box if you would like the schedule to be displayed in a separate browser window. With this option deselected, the schedule appears directly below the [VIEW SCHEDULE] icon.

Start Date

Enter the desired schedule start date into this field, or click on the icon to select the date from a calendar. The schedule end date is defined by whether you have selected a daily, weekly or monthly schedule format.


This field allows you to select the employees whose schedules you would like to view. To select employees, click on the arrow icon labeled “Show Employees” located to the far right of the screen. The Unused Employees and Viewed Employees boxes appear.

  • All of your available employees are displayed in the Unused Employees box. To filter this list by the department that your employees are assigned to, make the desired selection from the Filter by Department drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Click on the icon to make your selection from a department map. If you would like the list of employees to be sorted by seniority, put a check mark in the Sort by Hire Date field.

  • Highlight the employees whose schedule you would like to view by clicking on their names in the list (hold down the <CTRL> key on your keyboard while clicking to select multiple names).

  • Click on the [>>] icon to select the highlighted employees. The selected names are moved to the Viewed Employees box.
    If the Viewed Employees box is left empty, all employee schedules will be displayed.


This field allows you to view schedules for employees assigned to a specific supervisor only. Make the desired selection from the drop-down menu.

Sort by

This option allows you to select how the data on the screen is organized. Put a check mark in the “Group Results” box if you would like the report to be broken up into separate sections based on your sort options. Without this option selected, all report data is contained in one section. Put a check mark in the “Non-Military Time” box if you would like the schedules to be displayed in am/pm format.

Screen Output

Once you have specified the desired schedule parameters, click on the [VIEW SCHEDULE] icon located below the Sort by field to bring up the schedule.

The data displayed on the screen varies depending on whether you have selected a daily, weekly or monthly schedule type. Click on the links below for a description of each schedule type.