Set up rounding policies when you want your employees' punches from the
time clock to be rounded according to the policy settings. There are two
types of rounding policies, "Range" and "Interval."
Range Rounding Policies
A Range rounding policy uses a range of time during which any punch make
at the time clock is rounded to the specified time.
Example: The rounding range is from "7:45" to "8:15,"
and the round time is set to "8:00." Any punch made at the time
clock between 7:45 and 8:15 will be rounded to 8:00.
Interval Rounding Policies
An Interval rounding policy allows you to select a rounding interval (such
as "15 Minutes"), and a rounding method (as in "Nearest,"
"Up" or "Down"). You can also select what punches
are to be rounded (as in "All Punches," "In Punches,"
or "Out Punches").
Example: The rounding interval is set to "15 Minutes." The
method is set to "Nearest." The punches that have been selected
are "First In Punches." The first in punch of the day is rounded
to the nearest 15 minutes. No other punches are rounded.
Schedule Rounding Policies
A Schedule rounding policy allows you to round your employees’ punches
based on the schedule that they are assigned to work for the day. In and
Out Zone Ranges are defined separately for punches that fall before the
scheduled start time, after the scheduled start time, before the scheduled
stop time, and after the scheduled stop time. This is the only type of
rounding policy that the system allows you to use in conjunction with
Example: The “In Zone Range”
is set for 5 minutes before the schedule start time, and 1 minute after
the schedule start time. An employee assigned to this rounding policy
is scheduled to begin work at 8 a.m. Any punch made at the time clock
from “07:55” to “08:01” will be automatically rounded to “08:00.”
Important Note:
Employment laws vary from state to state. Be sure that you are familiar
with local laws concerning punch rounding before setting up Rounding Policies.