System Setup

The section of the program allows you to enable or disable various options throughout the TimeForce system.

Specify the settings and click on the [SAVE SETTINGS] icon.

WARNING: The settings on this screen are advanced system options, for use only in specific circumstances. Do not enable or disable an option unless you fully understand its purpose and how it works.  Contact Qqest Technical Support for details on setting up and using advanced system options.

Absence Settings

  • Restrict Absences: With this setting enabled, the system only allows absences to be entered on an employee's time card if the employee has the necessary "available balance" for the accrual that the absence is tied to.  No absences can be entered that will make the user's available balance for an accrual go into the negative.
    This setting is global.  Not even an administrator user will be allowed to enter such an absence. With this option enabled, Absence Requests are automatically disabled.

  • Restrict Absence Requests: With this setting enabled, the system only allows an employee user to request an absence if they have the necessary "available balance" for the accrual that the absence is tied to.  No request can be entered for an absence that would make the employee's available balance for the accrual go into the negative.

  • Display Unworked and Holiday Options for Absence Codes: When creating an absence code, by default the system allows you two different types of absence, "Paid" and "Unpaid."  Selecting this option adds the absence types of "Unworked" and "Holiday."  Unworked hours are not added to total hours, and no pay is generated.  Holiday hours do not add to total hours and no pay is generated, but the absence must be attached to a Holiday List.

Accrual Settings

  • Ignore Rollover Date: With this option enabled, the "Used YTD" setting when creating absences will be updated with the amount from all absences that affect the specified accrual policy from the current pay period start date forward.

Clock Settings

  • Activate the Clock Controls: This option enabled the IQ Clocks section of the main "Admin" tab. This section allows you to create time clock profiles for use with the ClockLink utility. See IQ Clocks for instructions on this section of the program.

Department Display Settings

  • Assign Employees by Department: This option is used with User Security.  With this option enabled, when you go to create a user, employees will be assigned by department.  Specific employees can still be manually added or removed.

  • Show Department Numbers in Drop Downs / Structures: Select this option to view department numbers in the drop-down lists and tree-structures throughout the program.

  • Show Detailed Department Structure: This setting affects the Time Cards and Employee sections of the software. With this option enabled, the Department drop-down menu is removed from the screen. In order to select a department level, users must click on the  icon and make the desired selection from a map of all department levels.

Disbursement Settings

  • Option to Calculate Amount Based on Hours and Rate: This option allows you to create a disbursement from the "Enter Disbursements" screen that is based on hours and rates. The hours on the employee's time card do not necessarily have to reflect the number of hours specified in the disbursement entry.

Employee Settings

  • Employee Pay Levels: Selecting this option allows you to insert multiple rates of pay for employees in the “Position and Salary” section of the program. These additional pay levels are for use with Premium Pay Policies, and can be set up by using the “Pay Rate Formula” option. The Job Tracking module also allows you to use additional pay levels when creating a rate for a job by using either the “Employee Rate” or “Employee Quantity Rate” options.
    See Inserting Employee Profiles for instructions on creating multiple pay levels. See Premium Pay or Job Tracking for instructions on using pay levels.

  • Show Employee IDs in Drop Downs: With this option selected the “Employee” drop-down menus throughout the program will show the ID of your employees after their displayed names.

  • Remove Employee's Card Number on Inactivate: Select this option if you would like the system to automatically remove an employee's card number when their employee profile is inactivated. This allows that card number to be immediately assigned to another employee without having to manually set the inactive employee's card number to "0" first.

Export Settings

  • Export File Location: This setting is the path where your export file will be created. Some payroll programs require that the export file be created in a specific directory. Type the desired path into this field to edit the export file location. The default export file path is "C:\InetPub\wwwroot\qqest\Export.”

  • Premium Code Mapping: Selecting this option enables the “Premium Pay Export Codes” setting when creating export templates. This setting is for use when you would like to assign hours to a Premium Pay Code that are not specific to regular and overtime hours (as opposed to the “Premium Pay Types” setting located in the main “Map Hour Codes for Export” screen, which are broken up into “Regular” and “OT” hours).
    See Creating an Export Template for further instructions.

  • Export Date Range: Select this option when you would like to choose an actual date range to be exported, as opposed to exporting the Pay Period dates defined by the system. See Exporting from TimeForce for further details.

Holiday Settings

  • Schedule Based Holiday: By default the system will award holiday hours based on the number of "absence hours" specified on the schedule rule that employees are assigned to.  With this option enabled, the system will award holiday hours based on the number of hours that employees are scheduled to work on the holiday.  Lunch deductions are not taken into account.  This is a global setting and cannot be applied individually to different holiday lists. This option requires that schedule rules be used.

Job Settings

  • If the Employee Works in Their Default Job, Pay Their Base Rate: With this option enabled, if an employee is assigned to a default job in their employee profile, they will receive their base rate of pay when working on that job, regardless of the rates specified on the job profile.

  • Absences and Holiday Hours Will be Assigned to the Employee's Default Job: With this option selected, if an employee has a default job specified in their employee profile, any absence hours entered on their time card will be automatically assigned to the specified default job.

  • Enforce that a User Must Enter a Task with a Job on the Self Service Interface: Enable this option if you would like to require employees to enter a Task number when entering a Job Tracking punch from the Self Service punch interface.

  • Show Job Numbers in Drop Downs: Enable this option to display Job numbers in the drop-down menus throughout the program.

  • Show Task Numbers in Drop Downs: Enable this option to display Task numbers in the drop-down menus throughout the program.

  • Use Dropdown Threshold for Task Drop Downs: This option allows you to conserve system resources and minimize page loading times when a high number of tasks has been inserted into the system. If the number of tasks in any drop-down menu exceeds the number specified in the threshold, an image is loaded as opposed to a drop-down list.

Overtime Settings

  • Exclude Overtime on Holidays: This option makes it so that holiday hours count towards overtime, but are not overtime.  If holiday hours push the hours total into overtime, the overtime hours will occur on the previous day worked and the holiday hours will remain "regular" hours.

  • Exclude Overtime on Absences: This option is basically used for exporting purposes, and comes into play when you are using absence codes that count toward overtime. If an employee takes an absence that puts them into overtime hours, the overtime hours are assigned to the last day with worked hours. This assigns all absence hours to regular hours. With this option de-selected, the pay code for the absence in the export template is split into regular and overtime hours (for example, “VAC REG” and “VAC OT1”). Use this option when you would like all absence hours to be assigned to “Regular” hours while still paying the employee the specified overtime amount.

  • Overtime Based on Scheduling: This setting adds a field to the overtime setup screen allowing you to specify that only scheduled hours worked count towards overtime.

  • Subtract Worked Holiday Hours from Overtime Threshold: With this option selected, hours that are automatically generated on a date specified as a holiday will count toward the employee's weekly overtime policies, and will also be overtime (when applicable).

Pay Settings

  • Pay the Greatest Rate When Working in the Base Department: This option is only used in very specific circumstances.  It ensures that an employee will always receive the highest rate of pay when premium pay codes are assigned to the employee's default department level.

Pay Processing Settings

  • Automatically Process Accruals when Processing a Pay Period: By default when a pay period is processed from the "Pay Processing" section of the program, all accrual totals are automatically updated. With this option de-selected, accruals will not be processed automatically.  To manually process accruals, go to the "Employee" tab, and then the "Accruals" sub-tab and click on either the [PROCESS EMPLOYEE ACCRUALS] or [PROCESS COMPANY ACCRUALS] icon.

  • Automatically Create Hours for Selected Employees when Processing a Pay Period: When selected, this option will automatically generate hours for selected employees based on the number of hours specified in the Schedule Rule that they are assigned to.

  • Enforce Pay Period to be Locked when Exporting: With this option selected, a processed pay period is required to be locked before the system will allow you to export pay period information.

Premium Settings

  • Department Controls for Premium Break, Majority and Equal Hour Rules: This option allows you to assign Custom Premium Rules to your department levels.

Report Settings

  • Show Inactive Employees: Enabling this option allows you to select employees with a status of “Inactive” to be displayed on reports. By default Inactive employees are hidden from the report selection menu.
    See Reports for more information.

Schedule Settings

  • Enforce Schedule Rule: When creating a schedule for an employee or group of employees, this option requires you to assign a Schedule Rule before you will be allowed to save the schedule.

  • Enforce Department for Shift: When creating a schedule for an employee or group of employees, this option requires you to assign a Department Level before you will be allowed to save the schedule.

  • Ignore Lunches Assigned to Employees on Scheduled Days: With this option enabled, when an employee is assigned to a meal policy under the "Pay Policies" section of the program and a the schedule that they are assigned to work is assigned to a Schedule Rule, the system will ignore the meal policy on days that the employee is scheduled. The meal policy will only go into effect on unscheduled days.

  • Display Department Scheduled to Work: Selecting this option allows you to assign your employee schedules to a department level using the "Simple Schedule."  Department assignments can be viewed from the  Employee schedule reports, as well as the View Schedule section of the program.  This setting does not effect the actual number of hours worked in the department level.

  • Display Job Scheduled to Work: Selecting this option allows you to assign your employee schedules to a job profile using the "Simple Schedule."  Job assignments can be viewed from the employee schedule reports, as well as the View Schedule section of the program.  This setting does not effect the actual number of hours worked on the Job.

  • Show Pay to Schedule: With this option enabled, anytime a schedule is created for an employee the option to "pay to schedule" appears. Click on this option to automatically generate time card hours for the employee based on their assigned schedule.
    The "pay to schedule" option requires that the employee's schedule be assigned to a Schedule Rule.

  • Use the Schedule Rule's Start/Stop Window to Override Punch's In/Out Status: With this option enabled, when they system receives punches for an employee that is assigned to a schedule rule, any punch that does not have an "IN/OUT" status specified will not be assigned as "in" or "out" based on whether the punch falls within the start/stop window specified on the schedule rule.
    An employee forgets to clock "in" at the beginning of the day, but clocks "out" at the end of the day.  If there are no other punches for the day, the "out" punch will be specified as an "in."

Time Card Settings

  • Show Hours Allocation in Select Hours: This option is used with the “Allocate Hours” feature. If selected, the hours allocation will always be displayed on the “Select Hours” screen. See Allocate Hours for more information.

  • Display A Warning if the Hours Allocation Difference is Not Zero: This option is also used with the “Allocate Hours” feature. If enabled, the “Select Hours” screen will display a popup warning if the “Difference” between the total number of hours and the number of hours allocated is anything other than “0.”

  • Pay Period Adjustment: This option allows a user to adjust an employee's hours total for a pay period by adding or subtracting hours from a previous pay period.

  • Ignore MaxNonStop on Unscheduled Punches: With this option enabled, the "Maximum Non-Stop Hours" setting will be ignored for unscheduled punches.

  • Allow Duplicate Punches: By default, when Raw Punches are created, the system checks to ensure that a punch does not already exist for the same date and time. If the punch being entered is a duplicate, it is not created. With this option enabled, the system will allow the creation of duplicate punches.

Verification Explanation Text

This text is the “Company Verification Statement” that is displayed on the Time Card tab and on the Time Card Report. The default statement is “I certify that the above time card is correct.”